How Would You Clean The Sliding Door Track?

Sliding glass doors can enhance the look of any commercial or non-commercial places; however, these doors stand on the sliding door tracks, and you may find it difficult to move your door on them. At times these doors may also make some noise. These tracks get filled with sand, mud, dirt, leaves, and other substances that block the movement of these doors. However, if you will leave this issue untreated, then the problem will keep growing.

Why Cleaning Of Sliding Door Tracks Are Important?

This may also lead to the replacement of the entire door or frame, which will cost you a huge amount. If you are facing similar issues, then there are chances that your sliding door track needs cleaning. A good cleaning will solve all your concerns, and every day or weakly cleaning can keep these issues at bay. Well, worry not, you don’t need any expensive tools or to do this cleaning. You can clean the sliding door track with everyday tools and solutions you have at home.

If your sliding door is well kept, it will serve you for many years to come. However, if you fail to do its cleaning and maintenance, it will lead to many issues. Firstly, a dirty track will prevent free movement of the door. As the dirt will keep getting accumulated, it will become harder to operate the door. You need to operate your doors forcefully and it can damage your door. It can also cause a large sliding door panel to fall apart from the track.

How Many Times Should You Clean Your Sliding Door Track?  

It is recommended that you should clean it monthly. However, if it is a heavy traffic area, the cleaning should be done once in 15 days.  But, if you find any cracks or damages on the sliding door tracks then you must replace them with new one. You can search such door tracks online and choose the best one for your home or offices. These tracks are mostly made from aluminum and you need to hire a contractor to install these tracks on your floor and ceiling. 

What Supplies Do You Need To Clean Sliding Door Tracks?

Basic supplies are needed, and you don’t need to loosen up your pocket to clean these tracks. You will need water, household cleaner, vacuum cleaner, cloth, duster, white vinegar, toothbrush, and butter knife.

What Is The Process Of Cleaning Sliding Door Tracks?  

  • Very first thing to do is to remove leaves and dirt. You can remove it with your hand or use a vacuum cleaner to clean these tracks.
  • If you have an aluminum track, make water and vinegar solution and clean your door. You will have to mix vinegar and water in equal parts. Spray this mixture on the way and clean it with a cloth. Make sure it is adequately dried, and moisture is wiped.
  • Now, you can apply warm soapy water to clean the remaining debris. Then again, dry it properly.
  • If you still see hard grease, then scrub it with a toothbrush. Now use cloth or paper towels to clean the door. Don’t use abrasive materials on metal surfaces.
  • Cleaning the corners is essential and challenging. To remove the dirt and dust from corners, you can use a butter knife. But don’t scrub it too hard as it can damage the track. Also, avoid using hard chemicals on sliding door tracks.
  • Lubrication is the last step of the entire process. It helps in the smooth movement of sliding doors.

These are all the steps that will enhance the functionality of sliding door tracks.

Emma Smith

I am Emma Smith, an experienced and professional blogger. Here you can see my skills which give you small ideas on understanding all the thoughts with different themes.

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