Hunting Jobs Amid the Pandemic: Professional Credentials’ Role

Since the advent of the Wuhan virus, U.S. has been hit really bad economically. A recession-like situation has taken over the country’s economy. Job market has been affected in the worst manner. People are being laid off across all the industries that exist in the America.

The question arises – Whether to search for a job amid the ongoing pandemic, or is it going to be a waste of time?

The truthful answer would be – it’s worth investing your efforts into finding a job. Not all industries and companies have been affected the same way as the majority had been, amid the virus-spread situation.

Finding Jobs Would be Way Simpler with Professional Credentials Under Your Belt

It’s a known fact that some companies are still hiring, and will be seen hiring, unless the virus spread ramps up really hard at an alarming rate. But certainly, the competition level has gone a few notches higher given the restrained hiring across all business sectors in the ongoing crisis situation.

However those equipped with industry-relevant vendor-neutral certifications are in a better command to bag the limited job opportunities available. Being armed with a professional credential in any business domain whatsoever, gives you a significant edge over your competitors.

Recruiters across business verticals prefer to hire individuals that are certified in a specific skill. And, it’s even better if the certifying, or credentialing body, is a prominent name in the digital learning domain. It would be highly advisable for job aspirants to take up an online certification program in the times of the lockdown to get ready for the hiring season post the pandemic.

But, it would be even better to acquire a professional credential, and bag a job in the industry of your liking, while the pandemic continues to falter the world economy. Why waste time when you have what it takes, and can secure a job now, amid the pandemic? It’s all about how strong is your hold on the in-demand industry skills.

What Job-Seekers Need to do During the Times of the Pandemic

Job-Search Must Continue..

Not every company, or industry, gets engulfed in the wave of the unfortunate circumstances such as a recession, or a pandemic.  The fact of the matter is that  while the people are getting laid off in big numbers amid the ongoing COVID pandemic, many are getting hired at the same time, though in very few numbers.

So, what’s important is to keep looking for job openings.

Don’t Wait for an Ideal Time to Start Applying for Jobs

Waiting for the pandemic to end, and then start seeking the opportunities will be pointless, as the ongoing crisis may go on for a couple of years. No one has got any idea on when will the virus-spread come to a complete halt?

Talented and skillful individuals are getting hired as of now, even in the times of the current COVID situation. Don’t wait for anything, and get in front of the employers.

Expect Hiring Delays on the Employers’ Side

In times like these, a firm’s capacity to take new employees on board decreases significantly, as the hiring managers get busy handling and managing the existing workforce. They do need to arrange for the virtual communication needs of the existing employee-base, and are burdened with the responsibility of ensuring work productivity and employees’ health. Amid all these duties, new hiring can take a back seat for an extended period of time.

And therefore, do your mental make-up to receive a word back from the recruiters after a long wait since your first conversation with them.

As a candidate, it’s your responsibility to perform a constant follow-up with the recruiters in a polite tone.

Meanwhile, keep learning and practising new skills, or try to enrol in a skill-specific credentialing program relevant to your industry, and run by a global credentialing company.

Albert Adam

Hi, I'm Albert. I'm very passionate about my work. Even I'm very fond of blogging as it enhances my knowledge about the various aspect of the internet.

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