If You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis, These Are the Types of Yoga You Should (and Shouldn’t) Practice

If you’re among the millions of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you stand to benefit from the soothing, strengthening and stretching effects of yoga. Not only does yoga make you feel better by reducing anxiety and depression, but it also lessens the levels of C-reactive protein and other inflammatory markers. Furthermore, the practice promotes better sleep, improves your psychomotor skills, and helps with circulation of fluids inside your joints.

Yoga involves a wide variety of body movements. Some yoga practitioners prefer mellow movements, while others like it vigorous. Either way, the primary aim of the practice is to open and stretch various body parts and to facilitate relaxation for improved mental wellness.

According to yoga articles by experts, if you suffer from RA, you should give preference to the following schools of yoga:

1. Iyengar

This type of yoga was named after the late Indian guru, B.K.S Iyengar. Iyengar yoga focuses on the alignment and precision in each posture as well as breathing. For this reason, your instructor might, for example, slightly shift your foot in order for your hips to be aligned properly. That way, your joints will not be under excess pressure.

Usually, poses will be maintained for a few minutes and the classes will require the use of props such as blocks, straps and blankets to help you hold certain poses. These props are especially useful if you have limited mobility.

2. Restorative

This form of yoga emanated from Iyengar yoga and it emphasizes relaxation. Like the previous method, poses are typically held for a few minutes or more. To ensure comfort, blankets and bolsters are used in order for you to enter a physical and mental state of deep rest.

Restorative yoga is often mistaken for yin yoga, which is another form of yoga in which you hold your breath for extended periods. However, the purpose of yin yoga is to improve flexibility by pushing joints to their limits. Yin yoga is therefore not ideal if you have RA.

3. Hatha

In technical terms, Hatha refers to all types of yoga that involve posturing. However, the term has evolved and is now usually used to mean yoga that involves slow movements and holding a pose for a few breaths. Pranayama, a distinct breathing practice, and meditation are also incorporated into Hatha yoga classes.

Some of the most popular schools of Hatha yoga include Integral Yoga and Sivananda. With Hatha, it’s a lot easier for you to find pose modifications that will be most useful for your joints because the pace of the practice is usually quite slow. In addition to that, you benefit from effective stress relief, thanks to the deep relaxation period at the end of most Hatha classes.

In conclusion, it is important to note that you should avoid Bikram yoga and Vinyasa yoga if you have RA. Bikram yoga is done in a high-temperature environment, which can aggravate your condition. Both Bikram and Vinyasa yoga involve relatively fast, vigorous movements that make these forms of yoga unideal for a person suffering from RA.To know more visit the other sites.

Lucy Jones

With extensive research and study, Lucy passionately creates blogs on divergent topics. Her writings are unique and utterly grasping owing.

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