Importance of an MBA for an HR Professional!

In the present world, the importance of advanced education and learning is gaining precedence. Gone are the days when a mere Bachelor’s degree was enough to get you a job and then move ahead in your career.

Do you agree? Yes, well, what else could have we envisaged!

The fierce competition, waterfall of demand, and trickle supply ensured that each candidate brought that something extra with her, for her to get noticed in a job’s market. But what was that little extra, which the prospective recruiters sought in the new candidates?

Advanced degree? Certifications? Or perhaps both!

Is an MBA the right choice to steer HR Career to success? 

As mentioned earlier, the only graduation is not a guarantee for success in the current corporate world. The world of businesses has also come a long way when an HR professional was restricted to the old traditional practices of recruitment and compensation.

In the modern business world, an HR professional plays an important strategic part in all the crucial business decisions. So it is imperative for the success of your HR career that you either go for an advanced degree like an MBA or for an HR and Talent Management Certification.

Reason: Businesses have gone global. The HR practices are not confined to one particular region, city, state, or even country. Now the world is your oyster and for a successful HR career globally you need to groom yourself for the global challenges.  You could face these global challenges through advanced degrees like MBA and HR and Talent Management certification programs.

Benefits of an MBA in the current corporate world!

While there are numerous benefits for an advanced degree in the field of HR, here are some of them, which might make you rethink your decision on the importance of an MBA.

  1. Command higher salary
  2. Enjoy better job opportunities
  3. Boost your potential as a worthy candidate in the jobs’ market
  4. Gear up for more leadership roles

These are some of the benefits of going for an advanced degree in your HR career. Combine it with HR and Talent Management Certification programs and what you get is a lethal combo – employers would not be able to resist.

Talent Management is the current skill prospective recruiters seek in the candidates. So with your MBA in HR along with your certification in talent management, you would be the first choice with the recruiters.

Not enough reason for you to pursue the HR and Talent Management Certification program? Worry not, as we bring you some more advantages of going for the HR and Talent Management Certification program.

It is a given that certifications are a third-party validation of your knowledge and skills, and when you opt for certification program post your advanced degree what you bring to the table are the qualities like –

  • Dedication toward your profession
  • Discipline to succeed at whatever cost
  • Self-motivation to stay ahead of the game
  • Upping your learning curve through continuous learning, retraining, and reskilling

The qualities that attract a prospective employer to you like bees to honey. Now let’s see what would be the benefits of earning a talent management certification for your HR career.

So without further ado, should we get started with the advantages? Here you go…

  1. Create your individual brand as an invaluable talent management business partner.
  2. With talent management certification on your portfolio, you would be able to participate in the strategic development of talent within an organization – quality employers seek these days.
  3. Since you know the best talent management practices and processes that ensure organizational success, you would be called to implement the same within your organization to ensure overall success.
  4. With the current talent management practices under your kitty, you would learn the new ways to both attract and retain the top talent in your organization.
  5. Talent management certification from the credible credentialing bodies like Talent Management Institute ensures that the candidate gathers practical knowledge about all the tools, guidelines, and use them in real case scenarios.
  6. The certification program would allow you to apply whatever you have learned immediately in whatever role you apply for in any organization.

The question – How would you incorporate all this learning along with your regular job? You could go for online programs for both advanced degree and certification programs. You can choose the pace of learning, and also when and where would you give the exam for the program. Everything is in your control.

So what are you waiting for?


Niti Sharma

Niti Sharma is a professional writer, a blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She is also an acclaimed blogger outreach expert and content marketer.

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