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Importance of Healthy Relationships for Pregnant Couples

A planned pregnancy is supposed to be a joyful journey. But the changes that occur may cause some strains in your relationship with your spouse.

A newborn needs so much attention that you may find that every discussion between you and your partner is about your baby. To avoid hurting your relationship, you must find ways to keep the flame of love and romance burning during your nine-month journey.

Always remember that the most important relationship is the one you have with your spouse, not with your baby. Your baby will eventually be born, grow into a child, teen, and adult.

Here are some of the best ways to maintain a romantic and exciting relationship with your spouse while you have the bump.

1. See Yourself as a Couple First

Recall how you dated before you got married. Start seeing yourselves first as a couple and second as would-be parents. That doesn’t mean that you put aside your prep for your newborn.

Instead, focus on improving your relationship with every chance you have to be together. See your growing baby as a reward for your togetherness and love rather than a burden that can put you apart.

If you wonder how you can rekindle the love between you and your spouse, start by looking at some of the pictures you took while you were dating. Then look at wedding pictures and others you took while you were on your honeymoon. A gush of nostalgia will bring back the desire for more romance.

2. Accept the Changes a Baby Will Bring

Don’t deny the fact your baby will cause a lot of changes in your relationship. Just make count for both of you.

Plan as many things as you can together. Involve your spouse in your shopping trips and medical visits where possible.

3. Set Up Weekly Dates

Plan for romance. Now, this requires a little more mental and emotional effort than when you were not pregnant.

Start a weekly date, preferably on weekends when he’s not at work. Just avoid places where you can drink alcohol (if you have to stay away from it).

If you are looking for ways to create memorable romantic nights, here are some ideas you can try:

  • Bring the movie theater to your bedroom and snack together
  • Go to the beach and sit outside on the sand and have dinner
  • Take a walk at one of your local parks
  • Organize an indoor picnic (a good option when you are pregnant during a lockdown, or you need some rest.)

4. Add Surprise to Romance

Spontaneity makes your romance bloom. So, give your partner a kiss when he’s not expecting it. A warm affectionate touch will also go along way.

Spend time making love. Just ensure that you adopt a safe and comfortable position during sex.

5. Combine Baby Prep With Dates

Don’t separate all the baby business from your relationship. You can blend both dates with shopping and make the best of every opportunity you have outdoors.

A good example is completing baby shopping with a visit to a cinema or dinner. You may also finish your visit to your gynecologist with lunch at your favorite eatery.

6. Send Love Notes

Keep the chats flowing. That’s the blood of any good relationship. Put your relationship on the front burner.

Rather than sending a mail to remind him about picking up some items for the baby, send one or two love notes each hour.

Write love notes to tell your spouse you love him. Let him know you miss him, and you are eager to see him return home.

7. Spend Time Talking

Things change quite fast during pregnancy. You start feeling your baby’s movements, your back aches you, and you start having mood swings.

If you want to nurture a good relationship through all these changes, you have to keep talking to your spouse.

Talk through each change. Just don’t make it about you and the baby alone. Show your affection for your spouse as well. Appreciate him for supporting you through it all.

As much as possible, when you go on dates, talk more about the two of you and less about your child.

8. Plan a Getaway

Before your baby makes it hard for you to go on a long trip, plan a few getaways. You don’t have to fly over a long distance. You can go on a road trip or by train. Just ensure that you visit a romantic place with very comfortable beds and excellent room service.

Now, you have some tips for keeping your love alive while you are pregnant. Go ahead and rekindle your relationship while you prepare for your newborn.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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