Important things that your child care facility should definitely offer

The time must have come when you have to leave your baby at someone else’s care and join back to work. It is a big decision for you and your child, and you will obviously want her to get the best of care possible.

So to help you in that pursuit, we have tried to prepare an exhaustive list of important things that you should definitely check before shortlisting on a day care in Avondale.

Loving and caring caregivers

The crucial factor that will guide you in selecting an early child care centre is the attitude of the caregivers. A child needs to be brought up with umpteen love and care, and the primary caregiver plays a critical role in the overall development of a child’s character. So, meet the caregivers of the center personally and see if they can provide the desired warmth and love to your baby. If it is a group childcare facility, check the level of personal care each child is provided with.

Comfortable setup

An child care centre should have an atmosphere which makes the child feel at home and gives her ample scope to grow. A baby needs a lot of floor time, so while you might be enticed by the different gaming options, you should make sure that the child gets enough space to roam about. A room stuffed with toys will not only be clumsy but can also make it risky for an infant. So, check out if the infant room is separated from the bigger babies’ room. Check on the precautionary measures that they take to ensure that your child does not encounter any accident.

In the early days, a child learns from vision, so the entire set-up of the day care in Avondale should ideally be vibrant and child-friendly. This will help her to settle down easily and comfortably in your absence.

Philosophy and education

A day care not only provides a child care facility but also invests quality time and effort on the early learning programs for the kids. Each early child care centre follows a different philosophy like Montessori or Reggio Emilia inspired programs. Whatever the program might be, ensure that it is in line with your parenting philosophies and they provide the child early educational facilities.

The educators must be sensitive and should be able to able to impart your child with required lessons of life from the early days. Mostly because the first few years are the formative years and if a child gets proper upbringing during this time, it will have long term benefits for her.

Open to feedback

Having difference with your child’s primary giver is perfectly fine; there are times when you might have concerns with your ward’s child care centre, but the important factor that you should observe is their eagerness in responding to your concerns and how open they are to feedback.

When you are doing your research, check what is the communication process that the day care Avondale follows. Check with them how they deal with parents’ concerns and measures they take in response. Ask if they allow sudden visits and if they have regular meetings or not.

Arrangement for a sick child

What if your child falls sick suddenly? How does the child care centre take care of a sick child? Do they have suitable arrangements? Is there any pediatrics who can attend them on priority? Do they have an ambulance service? While these things are not required on a daily basis, but these are contingency arrangements and every childcare facility should have to deal with sudden unannounced situations, most importantly when they are keeping infants under their care.

Flexible working hours

The working hours a day care earkshould be in sync with your working hours. It might sound trivial but it is vital and along with working hours also check the commutation time from the day care to home/and office.

Ask them if they are flexible and if they are ready to accommodate if on certain days you cannot reach on time to pick up your child? Is there any late fine and what are the arrangements? If you have a demanding job, confirm if the childcare is flexible enough to accommodate the nature of your work.


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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