Important Things You Must Know About High Visibility Clothing

High visibility clothing suppliers specialize in the supply of clothes that are to be worn by the workers who have to work in hazardous job conditions. The probability of an accident, if the individual cannot be distinctively spotted, is higher in certain work jobs like road maintenance etc. These high visibility clothing are prescribed in order to avoid risky situations that may occur if the person is not visible.

The main aim of the reflective clothing is to improve the visibility of the person wearing them, during the day as well as during night or at the spots with dim light (at the time of dusk).

High Visibility Clothing

Jobs Which Require High Visibility Clothing:

  1. Traffic policemen controlling heavy traffic spots.
  2. Coastal guards.
  3. Road construction workers carrying out repair and maintenance of roads during the day or at night with some traffic diversions.
  4. Workers employed with emergency services such as firefighters, disaster management teams, workers in rescue teams in times of earthquakes, floods etc.
  5. Airport ground crew signaling the aircraft.
  6. Parking attendants.
  7. Cart drivers at warehouses carrying trolleys of materials.
  8. Workers working outdoors during cold and foggy weather where the visibility is poor due to fog.

Types of High Visibility Clothing Offered by The Suppliers:

High visibility clothing can range from shirts, jackets (sleeveless and full sleeves), trousers, belts, head gear, caps, and gloves (used during traffic regulation); they are tailored for both male and female workers.


The material used for high-visibility materials is of two kinds:

  1. First, the base or the background material of the shirt, jacket, or trouser should have fluorescent properties. The bright fluorescent colors – such as blaze orange, lime yellow, and fluorescent green – ensure good visibility during the day.
  2. The second material used in such clothes is a retro-reflective material. The main aim of using such material is to reflect back the light to its source. This is effective during dim light or at night where vehicles are moving with lit headlights the clothing can be attached or worn over the shirts trousers in the form of strips or panels.
High Visibility Clothing


  1. The clothing must be easy to wear and allow full flexibility to perform the tasks efficiently.
  2. The high visibility clothing is designed in a way to ensure 360-degree visibility. This type of visibility means that the person should be noticeable from all sides and is protected from any potential danger e.g., a moving vehicle may hit him from any side. Stripes and high reflective bands can be worn around the body as a means of protection as well.
  3. Fluorescent colors such as red, orange, yellow, and green are used as a base for such clothing gear, along with stripes and panels.
  4. Retro-reflection technology helps to reflect back the light to the drivers’ eyes if the lights are dim during the day or night. When light rays hit the strips or panels made of reflective material, they are reflected back. For e.g., car headlights fall on the reflective material and is bounced back to meet the eye of the driver, thereby, signaling him to proceed carefully as a person is standing in the way. The reflective strips are placed on the areas of limbs and have maximum motion.

Many work areas have a heavy flow of traffic and there may be several moving vehicles or machines passing by. Any unfortunate accident can occur if the driver cannot detect the person / s along the way.

To ensure the timely supply of various apparel and reduce such untoward incidents, be sure to always choose efficient high visibility clothing suppliers for the desired results.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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