Improving Cybersecurity: More Important Than Ever with Remote Working

Connectivity is crucial to business operations, now more than ever. Whatever the size of your company is, everything is available both internally and externally at all times, from any location, with services accessible 24/7 in most cases. This is great news in the sense that your customers never have to wait to access your services or buy your goods, and employees can always find what they need to carry out their roles, even outside of the physical office itself. However, this constant availability and connectivity also expose your business to cyber threats.  

With corporate cyberattacks already costing billions each year and continuing to rise, businesses must assess their cybersecurity measures, especially now that the larger majority of the workforce are using their residential internet connection and often even their own devices to handle sensitive company information. 

As VDI experts, ebb3 knows a lot about remote working but also the importance of cybersecurity when your staff is working from home. Here are some key considerations if you are worried about your business’s cybersecurity and want to take steps to improve it. 

Recognize the Value of Your Data

One of the biggest mistakes that organizations make when it comes to cybersecurity is not realizing the value of their data. From sales information and marketing plans to employee files, every bit of data that your company holds can be compromised or stolen, which can do irreparable damage to your reputation. In the current situation, all of this information is particularly vulnerable with employees accessing it remotely from different locations, which means that you can’t always be sure if individuals are using a secure network connection. 

To minimize the likelihood of someone taking advantage of the remote working situation to try and gain access to company information, make it standard in your business to use an encrypted data storage platform. This will facilitate easy access from any location, without potentially exposing your data to cybercriminals. 

Educate Employees

More often than not, breaches in cybersecurity occur due to human error and a lack of training. Hence, no matter how good your cybersecurity defenses are, these are worth nothing if employees don’t know the correct procedures and processes to follow.  

We’re not suggesting that everyone at your company needs to become a cybersecurity expert. Still, they should all have at least a basic knowledge of cybersecurity theory and best practices including how to avoid phishing scams, how to encrypt emails, and the importance of using a secure network connection when accessing company data.

Making sure that you educate employees and understand the value of your data and how to protect will help to support your cybersecurity measures. It will also ensure that the work of your IT team does to protect your company is not wasted, especially in the current climate when employees are accessing their desktops remotely. 

The Transformation Experts Have Transformed!!!

We’ve enhanced our team to bring in new people who further underpin our GPU enabled VDI expertise. Our specialists are qualified to the highest level of industry standards and that now shines through in everything we do.

Innovation is the norm for us, but we realized that it can be overwhelming for customers especially when they’re struggling to grasp the fantastic opportunities that lie ahead without upsetting their existing operations. Embracing these opportunities is essential for success and shouldn’t be ignored … did you know that the number of apps requiring accelerated graphics has doubled in recent years and employees using these apps have increased by over 60%!!

So, we’ve worked hard to support our customers on their virtualization journey and we’re bringing the real business benefits to life for them along the way. We’ve cut out the jargon and we’re focusing on enabling business competitiveness and providing unified user experiences. Our solutions are cost-effective, secure, and simple.

We’ve developed our FIT methodology = Fix, Improve and Transform and this means that our customers are assured that wherever they are on their virtualization/digitalization/ VDI / GPU-enabled VDI journey …ebb3 can help.

We’ve even refreshed our website, please click and take a look, you’ll find; SportPesa, our brand-new case study, and everything you need to know about how our technology can free your team.

Krysta Jakson

Writing enriching posts on emerging technologies. Apart from writing informative posts on latest web technologies, I also writes largely on fashion, health,lifestyle and travel.

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