Industrial Fans And Their Importance In An Industry

An industrial fan is one of the integral parts of industrial set ups used basically to accommodate large scale flow of air or gas for different processes of an industry. These industrial fans are made of several blades which rotates at a high speed. The blades of the fans are connected to a central shaft or hub, hanging from the ceiling, or fitted against the wall and driven by a powerful motor.

Application of Industrial Fans

Fans in any industry, plays an essential role in ensuring the health and ease in breathing as well as the comfort of the employees in an industrial environment. Therefore, industrial fans and blowers make effective ventilation possible. The range of benefits associated with these industry purpose fans vary according to the industry and their dedicated application.

  • Chemical
  • Restaurant
  • Health Clubs
  • Outdoor Auditoriums
  • Medical industries
  • Gymnasiums
  • Automotive industry
  • Agricultural units
  • Convention Centers
  • Food processing
  • Construction industries
  • Warehouses
  • Underground Parking

Function of Industrial fans

  • Without continuous movement of air within a provided space, enclosed or semi-enclosed, the space can become clumsy and suffocating due to lack of oxygen or low oxygen. Industrial fans make sure to keep up continuous movement of air within the industrial space.
  • Stirring up the air within any enclosed compound is highly important to replace stale air, gases created out of industrial works and to replace the contaminated air with the fresh air.
  • One of the basic functional roles of fans is cooling as well as drying by replacing and circulating air. Therefore, industry fans are often used purposefully for cooling and drying at gymnasiums, construction sites, restaurants, etc.
  • Air conditioners also serve similar purpose of cooling and replacing air within a room with that of a fresh air. However, they are expensive as compared to fans which are rather affordable and cheap.
  • In some industries, these fans also find usage as a moisture reducing equipment.
  • In restaurants and other chemical industries where large-scale of smoke or gaseous residues are emitted these fans helps to remove the smoky air.
  • It undoubtedly improves the quality of the air and helps to maintain the working ease, comfort, as well as health of all the workers working in these industries.

Types of Industrial Fans

The size as well as type of industrial fans used in any industry varies as per the size of the environment, volume of air to be replaced and circulated, which therein determines the required power, static pressure of the fans or blowers required. According to the Air Movement and Control Association, (AMCA) there are three basic categories among industrial fans and blowers according to their placement or where they are mounted for operation that are:

  • Freestanding fans
  • Wall fans and panel mounted fans
  • Duct fans and blowers

Freestanding Fans

Freestanding fans offer the optimum level of freedom of placement as it is easy to place and position them anywhere. It varies widely in size as per the requirement. It has many portable versions, while some big ones can be heavy weight, as well.

Wall and Panel Mounted Fans

Wall and panel mounted fans are used for both ventilation purpose as well as for cooling. However, they are affixed to a particular position over the wall.

Duct Fans and Blowers

Duct fans and blowers include flanges and braces for mounting and positioning the fans to exhaust points on the wall or even in ceiling. Exhaust fans are mostly categorized under this type of industrial fans. These are effectively useful for emission and removal of gases and smoke from within factories and industry outlets.

To Sum Up

Therefore, industrial fans are one of the most integral parts to maintain working atmosphere and to ensure healthy air in any industrial premises.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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