Mohab Ayoub, CEO of Algedra Group, today will explain innovative approaches for landscape design.

He is the mastermind behind many exclusive projects and designs.

1- What is landscape design and which conditions impact successful implementation?

Landscape design is a synthesis of science and art applied by landscape designers, combining nature and culture, which is a tradition of design and art. With the design, primarily in line with scientific data, ecological, natural, social, cultural, environmental, economic, technological, climatic, according to land structure, close environment relations, herbal, geographical, innovative, sustainable, as a result of the detection of problems and possibilities, in the light of legal frameworks by preserving natural, historical and cultural values.

These are the studies carried out by considering the needs and requirements by prioritizing the human-flora-fauna relationship in urban and rural areas. For a successful result in planning practices, these six stages should be taken into account in order. Successful results in landscape planning practices cannot be expected in applications made without considering one or more of the landscape planning stages in which irreversible errors occur.

2- Can you explain to us the concept of Dry Garden?

The concept of Dry Garden is a new concept that has existed for a long time, but in terms of decorative uses. It is similar to the Zen Gardens, which are a product of the Japanese gardens in terms of their organizational form. A zen garden is a shallow sand garden that contains sand, gravel, rocks, and sometimes grass or other natural elements.

The use of sand and gravel is especially important in dry Japanese gardens. Raking the gravel brings out the feeling of movement of water. The pebble layer, which is used in different ways in Japanese gardens, has different meanings in dry landscape gardens where pebbles are used in clusters. The hill-shaped piles are designed to represent islands in the ocean.

It is thought that a peaceful environment is created in the garden with evergreen plants.

3-  Which materials and approaches do you apply as Algedra?

What we define as plant material; plants ranging from seasonal and groundcovers to tall trees; It is one of the main components of both indoor and outdoor landscaping project preparations and applications. The fact that they are one of the basic elements of the professional discipline of landscape architecture and that they are living creatures increases the importance of the selection and use of plant materials. And thus, knowing the plant material, its wishes and characteristics is directly related to the success of projects and applications in the short, medium and long term.

For example, let’s consider a landscape project and then a place to be implemented. Most of the studies to be conducted here are primarily for the continuity and health of the plants to be used in the project. Some of the study phases; soil and climate analysis, prevailing wind detection, aspect analysis, determination of sun and shade areas, location of the building, determination of the age group that will use the area, and these analysis results will play an active role in determining the plant material to be used in the design. In addition, spending some time around the area and researching the dominant vegetation will give us an idea for the plant material to be used in the project.

4- Can you mention dentrology to us, so our readers can know you better and how meticulously work you do?

Another importance of recognizing the plant material is to ensure sustainability with some principles to be considered especially in urban scale studies. The plants to be used in narrow-wide medians, side slopes, vertical gardens, parks and squares of all sizes can be selected according to the character of the area according to their function, compatible with the climate of the city, as well as according to the characteristics of the plants used in planting techniques and maintenance (irrigation, plant nutrition, plant protection and pruning) processes.

Instead of plants with wide roots near buildings and narrow medians, pile rooted and short stem plants can be preferred. In addition, in the studies conducted in urban areas, it has been determined that an average pressure of 4 mpa (megapascal) is predicted in an infrastructure area with asphalt and other pavements, while it has been determined that the roots of the plants do not work comfortably in places with a concrete pressure of more than 2.5 mpa.

Another issue is that the form that plants will take in 10-20 years will be different from when they are planted as living material, so designing by visualizing this foresight will be economical and aesthetic in the long run. When we combine them all, the science of Dendrology; Based on the principles and knowledge focused on recognizing the plant material, we have done aesthetic, economical and sustainable landscape work with the plants we have chosen.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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