Insult to Injury: What to Do When an Awful Situation Gets Worse

Everyone will stumble through rough patches over the years, but some difficult situations are overwhelmingly challenging and may even get worse. For example, your spouse may have been severely injured in a workplace accident, and he or she may have later passed away as a result of severe trauma or medical malpractice. Regardless of whether you can relate to this type of event or you are overwhelmed by another issue, creating a plan to get through this time in your life is essential.

Take Advantage of Disability Benefits

Many stressful situations have a devastating impact on your personal finances. For example, a house fire that caused serious injuries to your family members may have resulted in the need to pay a home insurance deductible, huge medical bills and perhaps even the inability to work because of a temporary or permanent disability. Disability benefits may be available to you through your state or through the Social Security Administration, and these benefits may alleviate some of your financial stress. A disability attorney may assist you with filing paperwork upon request.

Remember that timing is a very important factor in anything regarding disability for a lot of reasons. It can take days, weeks, or months to start receiving benefits. On top of that, it can take a while to hear any response after filing your disability case, especially if any part of it was done incorrectly. Even if you have ideas or prospects for generating income, it’s still a good idea to file for disability as soon as possible just in case.

File a Civil Lawsuit

When an individual, company or other entity causes personal injuries to you or damages your property, they can be held legally liable for any expenses that they cause you. This includes expenses incurred to date and anticipated future expenses. Through a civil lawsuit, you may also seek compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress and other factors that may be difficult to place a price on. Through the assistance of a wrongful death attorney, you can file a lawsuit and seek compensation if a loved one has passed away because of the negligence or intentional efforts of another person or entity.

It can be easy to let emotions get the best of you in these kinds of situations, but it’s important to approach a lawsuit of any kind with caution and a level head. Lawsuits can be incredibly expensive and can take a long time to pay off, assuming it pays off at all. A lawsuit can definitely be your best option, and one worth exploring, but legal action deserves proper consideration in any situation.

Make Necessary Adjustments at Home

While it is important to seek financial compensation as available to you, you also must move forward with your life. Financial compensation may be used to upgrade your home and vehicle, to transition into a new line of work that may be more practical with your disability or to make other major life adjustments. By readjusting your life in essential ways, you can more easily move forward given your current circumstances.

Life can seemingly kick you while you are down, and bad situations do occasionally worsen before they improve. Take time to learn about your legal rights and opportunities for financial compensation or assistance to decrease your financial stress, and look for effective ways to cope with and to accept your new life.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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