Interesting Facts about Whitetail Deer Hunting in Texas

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Whitetail deers are considered to be one of the grandest animals to be found in Texas. These medium-sized deers are native to both Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Mostly found in most of the mainlands of the United States, southern Canada, and their range expands up to the tropical regions of Central America.

Further, these highly adaptable animals have also been introduced to other regions around the world, including Cuba, Puerto Rico, Serbia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Czech Republic, and even Finland. Despite such animals being so common, many of us still know very little about them. Therefore, here are some interesting facts about the whitetail deers.

Fact 1:
Deers have a very strong sense of smell, and it is often seen that when people go whitetail deer hunting, the deer jumps three feet above the ground before anyone can know. This strong sense of smell helps the deer to smell the residue of humans left in twigs, leaves, branches, and everything else touched by the hunter. Therefore, hunters need to be very careful about where they step to reap the fruits of a successful hunt.

Fact 2:
Whitetail deer are very fast learners, which is evident by the fact that a fawn does not take long to get on its feet soon after it is born. An average fawn of a whitetail deer takes just twenty minutes to stand on its feet after being born. In a matter of an hour, the fan starts to walk and can learn how to learn in just a day. The fascinating thing here is that by the time the fawn reaches the age of mere five days, it can easily outrun an average human.

Fact 3:
Numerous studies have shown that there is a great link between the activities of a whitetail deer and the cycles of the moon. For reasons that are still unknown, whitetail deers feed and move when the moon is positioned directly underneath or over the Earth. Therefore, it is recommended that hunters track the moon’s cycle to be successful in making the hunt. Otherwise, they might just end up wasting their time waiting for a whitetail deer at the wrong hour.

Fact 4:
Whitetail deers, like any other deer, can run really fast. This is a defense they have evolved to protect themselves from different predators. In the case of whitetail deers, these creatures can run at a speed of thirty miles an hour while attempting to outrun a predator. However, this is not all of their skills, as these deers can leap ten feet above the ground and cover upto thirty feet in a single bound.

Fact 5:
Like many other herbivores, deers also have four chambers in their stomach to be able to digest grass and leaves. We know that leaves and grass have a higher concentration of fiber, and without this four-chambered stomach, it would be almost impossible for a deer to evolve the way it did.

Bottom Line

Whitetail deers are amazing animals, and they spread across different places throughout North and Central America. As these animals are abundant, hunting enthusiasts can have a great experience hunting them, and what better place to hunt whitetail deers than Squaw Mountain Ranch in Texas.


Author’s Bio

Shrey Jain is the Co-Founder of Writofy & a Chartered Accountant who works with a team of creative content writers. He holds a forte in creating informative content on niches like crypto, business, fintech, digital marketing, and several others. In addition, his willingness to learn and share his knowledge can immensely help readers get valuable insights on varied topics.

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta is an SEO expert and blogger with a strong passion for writing. He shares views and opinions on a range of topics such as Business, Health, Lifestyle and lot more.