Is Physical Therapy Helpful in Curing Pain & Headaches

Whether you are suffering from pain caused due to injuries or chronic pain that happens because of a prolonged illness, physical therapy can prove to be an integral part of reducing your distress and discomfort.

There is little doubt that when you suffer from chronic pain and headaches all you feel like doing is taking rest by lying down in your bed. And if the pain is unbearable to bear you take medication for getting quick relief from it. There is no denying the fact that you do not feel like doing any physical activity when you struggle with pain, however, the truth is that exercise can prove to be a fantastic way to manage the pain.

Physical therapy is very important for reducing chronic musculoskeletal pain and in enhancing your mobility. In addition to that, it also gives relief from neuropathic pain that happens when you receive an injury to nerves or tissues.

Physical therapy can be used to deal with the discomfort and pain caused by problems like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and neuropathic pain. Aside from that, you can also use it to tackle the discomfort caused by chronic headaches and fibromyalgia.

Patients with chronic pain can’t live a normal life, they have to depend on others for performing their daily activities, which makes them really frustrated. Their movements reduce significantly over a period of time and hence gaining back their mobility becomes a big challenge for them.

It’s very important for them to become strong and healthy so that they can live a normal life once again and physical therapy helps them in accomplishing this goal very fast. Physical activities prescribed by a therapist, help the patients to get back to their normal routine frequently.

If you have knee pain, ankle pain, or hip pain, your therapist will guide you on how to move or walk safely to prevent further pain. Having the knowledge of right walking technique can reduce future injuries significantly.

If you are suffering from chronic pain, here are some physical therapy treatment options for you.

After the detailed analysis of your problem, your therapist will prescribe one of the following treatment options or a combination of them to heal your problem quickly.

Massage Therapy

Depending on the kind of illness you are suffering from your therapist will suggest certain treatments for you that suit your requirements effectively. For example, if your mobility can be brought back with the support of a massage therapy, they will prescribe the same for you. When you talk about massage there are several types of them, and your therapist recommends the one for you which can treat your problem soon.

Different types of massage that are prescribed by a therapist for healing various conditions.

PT Brings stability in the Joints

If your joints have become week because of a disease or due to an injury, physical activities including aerobic exercises, bone strengthening exercises, and muscle strengthening exercises help in bringing back your joint stability.

In addition to that, if you have hurt your joints due to sports and workplace injuries or due to an accident, physical therapy can improve your condition to a great extent.

It Focuses on Breathing Techniques to Treat Asthma or Sleep Apnea

Apart from teaching the right walking, moving or running techniques, physical therapist also teaches the perfect breathing techniques to address problems like asthma. In addition to that sleep apnea is also addressed by the physical therapy. A physical therapist will teach you exercises that help in controlling breathing to enhance the potential of chest muscles and neck muscles. Stretching and strengthening exercises are very important to stay healthy by keeping the diseases at bay.

In addition to that, physical therapy is also very instrumental in reducing the discomfort caused by headaches like primary headaches, secondary headaches, and Cranial neuralgias. Tension headaches, migraine headaches, and cluster headaches fall under primary headaches, and regular physical activities or exercises can play a great role in curing them. Similarly, secondary headaches and cranial neuralgias can also be treated with physical therapy.

So, if you face any of the above-mentioned problems, do consult a physical therapist from Innovative Physical Therapy as soon as possible


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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