It’s a Crazy World out There: How to Defend Your Home From External Threats

“May you live in interesting times” is an ironic curse; boring times means that nothing unusual is happening, while “interesting” times are often times of trouble. To say that we are living in “interesting times” is certainly an understatement.

High levels of crime, riots, looting, and civil unrest are in the news every day. At the same time, police across the country are dealing with budget cuts and staff reductions. What this means is, more than ever, you are responsible for the protection of yourself and your family.

Security Doors

The first line of defense is to make sure your home is protected by a sturdy, secure door. A security door will resist being kicked in during a home invasion. Today, security doors are available in a variety of attractive styles to suit any home, making your home secure without giving up curb appeal. A security door will also add to your home’s property value.

Finally, in areas where extreme weather is common, a security door can also help protect your home from hurricanes and blizzards.

Secure Your Windows

Your house likely only has two doors—the front door and the back door. However, it may have nearly a dozen windows, all of which are vulnerable to attack. There are a few things you can do to secure your windows, including window films, locks, and security bars.

Window films can reduce a burglar’s ability to look inside, which reduces the temptation to break in. The film can also hold the glass together if someone does try to smash their way in.

Window bars on the outside where they’re visible act as a deterrent, discouraging break-ins. Bars come in a lot of different and attractive styles, and are a solid way to keep the bad guys out. However, you may want to have at least one window with swing-away bars. That will allow for your family escape in case of a fire.

Security Lighting and a Home Alarm System

Lighting up the exterior of your home at night helps to deter burglars and home invaders. However, it can also add to the nighttime beauty of your home and help welcome visitors find their way in the dark. You might consider investing in motion sensor lights. They can help prevent wasting energy around your home.

Adding a home alarm system, with surveillance cameras and motion sensors, will alert you and the authorities if your home is breached. Additionally, you may be able to catch footage or still images of the perpetrators. This will help police catch the criminals and can help with any insurance claims you might need to make.

With everything going on in the world, keeping your home safe should be a priority. A safe home is a sanctuary where your family can gather together and feel protected. Keep in mind, the steps you take to secure your home not only protects your family; it also adds to the resale value of your home. When you’re ready to put your home on the market, a good security system is a great asset to have, especially if you happen to live in a more dangerous area.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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