Johnny Tabaie – A Healer Who Heals

Johnny Tabaie is a world-renowned Yoga instructor, author, teacher and psychologist. He is an accomplished teacher and practitioner of Yoga and teaches classes around the world. Yoga was developed by a Hindu doctor, Patanjali, thousands of years ago as a system of exercise and body conditioning to improve the mind and body and also to help people achieve self-actualization. The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit meaning Yoke and Union. It is one of the oldest schools of physical exercise in the world.

Johnny Tabaie is known for his powerful teaching of Yoga and for transforming lives. In the beginning Johnny Tabaie’s intentions were simple. He realized that there needed to be a way to heal patients of all kinds from all walks of life and he felt he could do this by helping them in his own way. Eventually, Johnny became very proficient at treating many different types of illnesses, some of which involved mind-body programs such as meditation and breathing exercises. However, when it came to treating patients with Addiction to alcohol and drugs, Johnny Tabaie had a difficult time finding the help he needed to treat his patients because the majority of medical doctors did not believe in holistic healing at the time. When it comes to treating Drug and Alcohol Addictions, Johnny Tabaie believes that Holistic Healing may be the key.

People who suffer from addiction often feel alone and are reluctant to speak about their circumstances with others. They may be afraid that they will be labeled or judged, but the truth is that there are many support groups out there today that can make a huge difference in the lives of drug addicts and alcoholics. One thing that Johnny Tabaie does is he helps his patients break through their fears and speak out about their problems. For drug addiction and alcoholism treatment, Johnny Tabaie believes that his success would be impossible if his clients kept quiet about their lives’ problems. He believes that by overcoming their inhibitions and speaking out about their issues, people will be more open and be able to help him in his efforts. The power of words comes in very handy when you are trying to overcome drug addiction and alcoholism.

Tabaie began to focus on Holistic Healing as a means to treat his patients. One of the first steps he took, after leaving Alcoholics Anonymous, was to create a 12-step program for those that were suffering from drug and alcohol addictions. He believed that a person should no longer suffer from addiction if they were going to be fully healthy and happy. This is what Tabaie set out to do and he is very successful at it. He has written an amazing book entitled “Beating Alcohol”, which deals with 12-step programs and holistic healing.

The book talks about how Johnny Tabaie discovered Holistic Healing and why it was the answer to his problems. He said it was the first step to recovery from alcohol and drugs and to truly become a productive member of society again. One of the things that Tabaie did is to create his own school called “The High-end Retreat”. This school successfully met the requirements needed by the government to operate as a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility. As a result, many people who suffered from serious addictions were saved from having to undergo inpatient treatment programs at conventional rehab centers.

The holistic sanctuary offers its patients a chance to get away from the day-to-day hustle of life and relax in a peaceful, relaxing environment. The healing energies can soothe the mind and body and allow the patients to get right to work. Because Johnny Tabaie is a highly gifted healer and speaker, the sanctuary is very conducive to his purposes. People who come here to receive the healing energies that Tabaie gives out each day. People who are in need of help from holistic sanctuary treatment programs should contact Dr. Johnny Tabaie for more information.

Hamza Hassan

My mission is to ‘make a positive difference in lives of people’. I love writing content and I hope I can use this passion to fulfill my mission.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Eric

    Johnny is a joke.

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