Keep It Green! How to Keep Your Grass from Dying This Summer

When the temperatures begin to get hot in the summer, then your lawn may need some special care. Taking care of it properly will help ensure that it stays green even when the temperatures are at their hottest. While you cannot control the heat or the lack of rain, you can help your grass looking its best. Here are some tips you may want to follow to keep your grass green in the summer.

Mow Grass Frequently

Before you head out the door to mow your grass in the summertime, be sure that your mower is set up properly. You should never mow the grass shorter than 3.5 inches in the summer, so take a second to set your mower height properly. Additionally, ensure that the blades on your mower are extra sharp. Never cut your grass with a dull blade because the blades of grass will tear and the tips will turn brown. Shredded blades of grass are also more subject to moisture loss.

Stay on Paths

You should already have paths or stepping stones to help you move throughout your yard. When temperatures climb, it is especially essential to use them and avoid walking on the grass. You can kill the grass by walking on it after watering it. Furthermore, walking on the grass compacts the soil under it making it difficult for the grass to get the air that it needs to stay green.

Water the Grass

If it does not rain in the summer, then you need to water your grass in the morning. Watering in the afternoon causes too much water to evaporate. Alternatively, watering at night causes diseases to attack the grass. One-half inch twice a week or one inch once a week is all your grass needs. Overwatering or under watering grass can cause it to turn brown.

Lay New Sod

If your yard turns brown, then it may be time to lay install new sod. This is especially true if you haven’t had new grass put in for quite some time. Lawn installation can help your yard be the envy of the neighborhood because of its beautiful green color and fresh-looking aesthetic appeal. Because of how fresh the grass will be, it should be easier to keep green for at least the next few years. You can choose a variety that grows well in your climate—so make sure to research which type of grass does best in your area. One way to do this would be to ask your neighbors and other local friends about the type of grass that they have growing in their yards.

Do your best to keep the new sod moist. However, keep in mind that it should not be swimming in water. Letting it dry out or watering it too much can cause the new grass to die and you could end up needing to replace it again. If you have a professional installing your new grass, make sure to ask them about what they would recommend when it comes to caring for it. You might even want to consider asking them for an example of what a proper watering schedule would look like as well.

Using these tips and your own ingenuity can help your grass look green even in the hot summertime. If you fail, however, consider installing new grass to keep your landscaping looking great.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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