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Keeping Up with Your Kitchen: The Best Materials to Use for Easy Clean Up

The kitchen is one of the busiest and commonly used rooms in a home. Every member of the family eats and congregates in this room multiple times a day. Kitchens have always been an important room where families can talk and spend time together. With all of this traffic and use, kitchens are also prone to being among the dirtiest rooms in homes. Fortunately, there are some ways to keep a kitchen clean and welcoming. Because of the constant use and wear, there are some unique strategies that can be used for this room. Here are the best materials to use for easy clean up in the kitchen.

Countertops and Benchtops

Countertops and benchtops see a lot of the cooking and eating action in a kitchen. They’re used to hold food, hot plates, cutting boards, drinks and more. There is an endless list of things for which these counters are used. Food preparation is perhaps most responsible for making these areas dirty. A great way to clean granite or laminate benchtops and countertops is with gentle dish soap and a dish cloth. Isopropyl alcohol can be used for really stubborn stains or marks. Households with kids should keep in mind that placing a laminate finish on countertops and benchtops can help protect them from scratches and stains that little hands might accidentally cause. This protective layer also makes the cleaning process much easier.


As cabinets are usually only used to hold plates, bowls and other items, people don’t expect these kitchen pieces to get very dirty. In reality, cabinets often become dirtier because they go unnoticed through so many cleaning sessions. Microfiber dusters are a great way to keep the tops of cabinets from gathering too much dust. Using an extension arm can make this process much easier. The faces of cabinets can be cleaned with undiluted white vinegar. This helps to remove any grease and fingerprints that have accumulated through months of use.


Flooring in the kitchen receives a large amount of dirt and wear from food crumbs, spills and foot traffic. This is the final resting place for all dust, dirt and grime in the kitchen. Hardwood or tile floors are the easiest materials to clean. Carpet is not only a bad look for a kitchen, it is also tremendously hard to clean and maintain. Hardwood and tile floors can easily be swept up, mopped, and even vacuumed with the right equipment.


A unique backsplash is an excellent way to make a kitchen wall more aesthetic and easy to clean. Backsplashes can be made from stainless steel, tiles or other smooth materials that will simplify the cleaning process. Normal walls are easy to stain and damage. Right behind the food preparation area is not a good place for this standard walling. Replacing it with a backsplash could be the way to go for you to help you enjoy and maintain that area.

Clean up in the kitchen doesn’t have to be a difficult process. With the right materials and supplies, maintenance is a breeze and the center of your home feels fresh and squeaky clean.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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