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Kidneys and Urinary System – What You Should Know

Human body is supported by many systems that accomplish communication, filtration, transportation, and, waste management, just to name a few. If our heart is engaged in supply of pure blood to various parts of body, then the kidneys and urinary system perform role of highly efficient waste management system.


Importance and role of kidneys

Kidneys are principal organs of urinary system since the basic function of kidneys is to remove toxic waste from the blood to prevent damage to cells. These bean shaped organs are so efficient that these can handle up to 200 quarts of blood in a day.

On an average, human kidneys have capacity to produce one to two quarts of urine. Kidneys are able to filter waste matter and excess fluid in the form of urine.

Kidneys are so important that in the event of kidney failure human body would not function properly because of buildup of waste material. No wonder, these are considered as vital organs of human body.

Kidneys have complex structure consisting of large number of nephrons. Nephron is a single filtration unit that is designed to filter minute amount of blood. Thus millions of nephrons work in unison to purify large amounts of blood round the clock.

The process of filtration is known as glomerular filtration, since it is achieved by network of glomerulus present in nephrons of the kidney.

Having looked at how our kidneys function, let us understand functioning of urinary system. Apart from kidneys our urinary system comprises of ureters, bladder, and urethra.

Bladder is supplied urine via thin tubes that are called as ureters. There are two ureters originating from both kidneys and joining at bladder. Bladder performs role of collecting urine till it is released by the process of urination.

Urethra is nothing but an outlet for releasing urine out of the urinary system.

Understanding functions of our urinary system

Although the major role of our urinary system is to remove toxic substances from the blood and drain through urination, our urinary system performs many other functions in addition to draining out urine after filtration by kidneys.

Kidneys take part in the process of controlling red blood cell production and regulation of blood pressure. Kidneys also maintain proper balance of electrolytes and fluids in human body.

We are able to control urge of passing urine due to sphincters that prevent leakage of urine. If these sphincters are not able to perform due to old age and other factors, we start suffering from incontinence.

There are many diseases of urinary tract and some of these conditions are common to both males as well as females. Urinary tract infections, kidney disorders are very common diseases that can affect both the sexes. However, certain diseases of bladder are exclusively found in men.

Chronic kidney failure is the most serious condition that requires dialysis for removal of waste matters. One more common condition affecting urinary tract is kidney stones.

Diabetics must be careful about controlling blood sugar because kidney failure is one of the serious long term complications of diabetes mellitus.

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Satyajit Seal

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