Know About The Important Aspects Of Mould Infestation In Houses

Mould – a single word that can easily strike fear into the minds and hearts of most responsible homeowners out there. Mould is extremely dangerous and irritating at the same time, directly pointing towards a serious issue that may be lurking within your home. 

Most of the time, the presence of mould will mean that there is water damage inside the house and can directly cause breathing problems for the homely residents. But, you might be wondering that how can something that’s so small can be so damaging? That’s what we’re going to find in this comprehensive guide.

What Do You Mean By Mould?

A professional home inspector in Orlando FL states that mould is a certain type of fungus. There are multiple types of mould and they can occur either outdoors and indoors. Moulds are responsible for the creation of spores, which tend to float around the air. Most indoor environments contain some form of mould spores. 

There’s no way you can prevent the existence of spores inside your homely interior environment. They generally thrive inside warm and moist surroundings. You can see mould growing in multiple numbers of environments, such as paper, fabric, glass, wood and plastic. Over time, the mould may totally digest the material on which it is growing. 

Mould Is A Massive Issue For Your Home’s Integrity

Since it takes a lot of time for mould to grow, the presence might point towards a serious water problem inside your home. Over an extended period, water can easily rot wood, make metals rust and even can lead to drywall crumbling. 

The bad news is that – the mould that you see on the walls is just a small part of what you can experience first hand. There might be more mould infestation hiding underneath the walls. The presence of mould means that it’s a strong reason to look for structural defects.  

The Types Of Mould

As per reports, there can almost 300,000 kinds of mould on Planet Earth. However, we are only going to cover the popular indoor types in this guide:

  • Alternaria

Mostly occurs in damp, indoor places such as under leaky sinks and showers. 

  • Aspergillus

Mostly grows on powdery food items as well as on certain building materials, like drywall.

  • Cladosporium

Grows usually in warm or cool areas. You can find this fungus type on wood surfaces and fabrics. 

  • Penicillium

Grows on materials that have inflicted water damage. Has a green or blue-like appearance. 

Thus, it can be easily seen that there multiple forms of moulds. They can turn out to be black, white, blue, yellow or green. Mould generally appear as stains or discolourations on your interior or exterior walls. They also have a fuzzy or rough appearance, depending on where they’re growing and the type of mould. Mould can cause allergies and other respiratory problems in human beings. 

So, if you’re someone who is facing serious mould issues inside your home, it’s time that you take the bold step and give us a call. Our experienced home inspectors can help you deal with any type of mould infestations, without any worries or challenges. 

Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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