Know more about Purposes of Robots and its usage

Many tasks in manufacturing industries are dirty and very repetitive in nature. Still, many of these are very important for any production process to be a success and to meet the desired levels of output. Many industries have a series of tasks in activities such as casting, sorting, welding, moulding and grinding.

While humans can carry out some of these seemingly dirty and monotonous tasks, introducing robotics ensures a much-streamlined flow of activities. The result is a whole sum basket of benefits for the production unit. There is reduced wastage of time and other resources and a steady and consistent output to mention but a few.

What Is A Robot?

A robot is an automatic machine. It is designed to complete some of these tasks that are difficult or dangerous for human workers. Other reasons which inform the making and design of robots include the need to accomplish some tasks faster, need for increased output and general convenience at the place of work.

Purposes of Robots

Robots are designed for purposes. The design matches the targeted task. Normally, complex tasks call for intelligent robots. Simple tasks require simple robots. Depending on the primary design, a robot can either be referred to as ‘smart’ or ‘dumb’.

Dumb robots are the traditional autonomous robots that were able to complete dangerous or repetitive tasks well but from a caged environment. On the other hand, smart robots are modern collaborative robots.

Collaborative robots, also known as cobots have a certain degree of intelligence which makes them safe even while working in the same environment with humans. Cobots from have adaptive features which help them recognize human presence in a working area and respond accordingly. Another advantage of smart robots is that they can be reprogrammed to perform different tasks as per the requirement. Their flexibility makes them ideal for many production units irrespective of size.

There are a number of fields where robots have been of primary importance. Thanks to these machines, tasks that would have been entirely impossible or very life-threatening for humans have been accomplished.

Space Exploration

The outer space is known to be hostile. The atmosphere is not conducive and using humans for space exploration tasks is both dangerous and very expensive. Thanks to humanoid robots, space exploration has been easy and streamlined. These machines can explore space and relay feedback safely and effectively.

Assembling Tasks

Assembling involves many repetitive tasks. Activities such as sorting, picking and placing items are too monotonous and boring for any human being. It is a field that actually attracts very few. Employers in this industry benefit a lot from robots and robotics. Automatic machines are able to perform all the repetitive tasks that may arise in an assembly line. This ensures that there is a standard quality and quality of work done.

Testing Of Dangerous Devices

Innovation is the mother of many inventions. These inventions need some testing before being put into use. Take the military explosives and grenades for instance. Military robots are being used to do some of these tests as opposed to using humans. The robots are also used to carry out some of the activities that would put the lives of the military men in danger. This helps save lives.


Every employer or production manager values a reliable employee. Buyers need reliable suppliers they can count on. To be a reliable supplier, you need a production process you can count on. You need robots. Robots do not mix work with emotions, they do not have go-slows, and they will never feel overlooked when asked to complete lowly or dirty tasks. They can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week without compromising on quality.


Robots are the key to a standardized output, all the time. Worried about robot-human conflict? Invest in collaborative robots; these have a design that allows them to work safely and in the same environment as humans. While cobots take on the dull and repetitive tasks, your human employees will be engaging in other meaningful and creative projects which are equally important for the growth of your company.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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