Know your vaporizer better with these much needed facts

Vaping can be tricky initially, but with the right knowledge, it’ll be one of the best experiences of your life. Whether you are using a basic vaporizer or the best dry herb vaporizer in Australia, rules remain the same. Vaping lets you enjoy the dense smoke and a flavourful fragrance which is not possible with cigarettes. It is also a better health alternative compared to cigarettes. What more do you know about vaporizers? Not much? Worry not because here is a list of vaping facts which will change the way you looked at vaporizers, for the greater good.

The high variable

The smoke is undoubtedly more dense in vaping as compared to smoking, but if we talk about the high variable, the issue is quite debatable. The level of high that you will get with cigarettes will be constant, but with e-cigs you have the privilege of choosing it for yourself. If you are trying to cut down on some nicotine intake with a decent high, try e-liquids with different nicotine content which are offered by various vape companies. However, if you are marijuana or other herb vape lover, the euphoric high will start late and stay for longer span.

Good grind leads to a great experience

Many beginners don’t know this fact, but the secret to a high dry herb vaping experience is a great grind. Your smoke and flavour are as good as your ground herbs so make sure you pay particular attention to that matter. You can use electronic grinders or manually grind it, but for impressive results, the electronic grind is highly recommended. Focus on even grinding and not fine grinding as it could lead to air clogging. Go through weed grinder manual thoroughly for a fabulous session.

Patience is the key

With every change in your life, you need time to sink it in and move forward. Such is the case with a vape. If you are expecting to have miraculously great sessions as soon as you quit smoking and start vaping, you are mistaken. Patience is the key, my friend. While some have the will to get over their smoking habits as soon as they start vaping, there are cases where you might want to go back to cigarettes. Stick to vaping and keep your hands off cigs as much as you can, and you will see results within a few weeks.

Show flexibility

By flexibility, we mean flexibility with e-liquid flavours. You have a plethora of juice options available at various vape stores in Sydney which gives you a whole lot to explore. Don’t be resistant towards it by sticking to a single flavour. Get out of your comfort zone to find what feels best to you. Who knows, you might cut off your ties with tobacco forever.

Variety of herbs for you

For herb vape lovers, a vaporizer is a real treat. Not only marijuana, but you have a variety of herbs at your disposal which you can vape for your pleasure. A few of the best picks would be basil, thyme, rosemary, sage, damania, chamomile, lavender and more.

No burning, only cooking

Let’s get this misconception out of our heads that a vaporizer burns the herb which leads to dense smoke. In reality, vaporizers cook the herb for a prominent flavour experience and longer sessions. Most of the latest herb gadgets use convection cooking, so there is no direct contact between the herb and the heating element which leads to efficient cooking.

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, such facts can help you enhance your vaping experience and make it a wonderful in every session. Share such pearls of wisdom with your vape lover friends too.


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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