Knowing the Pitfalls: 5 Things That May Harm Your Personal Injury Case

Accidents may happen at any time. Fortunately, the law is on the side of the victim when an individual is injured as a result of another person’s actions. He or she may recoup any damages related to the accident. However, individuals must take care to ensure they don’t sabotage their case unintentionally. What mistakes do people make that harm their personal injury claim?

Lies and Exaggerations:

Never lie about the extent of the injuries sustained in the accident or exaggerate them. This is true regardless of who is asking about these injuries. The situation is difficult without adding to the matter. It’s best, to be honest as the truth always comes out in the end. This is true whether the case involves a slip-and-fall accident, an accident involving a motorcycle, or one in which a dog bites a human.

Talking About the Case With People Other Than Your Attorney:

Don’t discuss the case with anyone other than your attorney, your doctor, and possibly your spouse or partner. Information is revealed every time the case is brought up. It’s best to keep things private as something that is said could be misconstrued and harm the case. Nobody wants this to happen other than the responsible party and his or her insurer.

Avoid Social Media:

Social media has become a part of everyday life for many individuals. A person who has been injured in an accident of any type should never share information about the incident or its aftermath on these sites. Although this is an effective way to share information quickly and easily with a large group of people, the responsible party may take this information and use it to weaken your case. It’s best to stay off of these sites until the case is resolved. If doing so isn’t possible for any reason, don’t discuss the case or anything related to it online.

Ignoring the Statute of Limitations:

Time is of the essence when filing a personal injury lawsuit. States have imposed statutes of limitations on cases of this type, and victims need to be aware of important deadlines when it comes to their claim. In the event one or more deadlines are missed, the victim may find he or she is no longer able to receive compensation for the injuries sustained in the accident. An attorney can be of great help in ensuring all paperwork is filled out correctly and turned in before the deadline so this isn’t a concern.

Follow All Doctors’ Orders:

After an accident, a doctor will provide the victim with instructions, and these instructions must be followed exactly. A failure to do so could not only make the injuries worse but can damage the victim’s personal injury case. The defendant may use this against the victim in court. Be sure to follow up with the doctor as advised and take part in any recommended treatments to make certain this isn’t an issue as the case proceeds.

Speak to an attorney to learn if there are any other things a victim should avoid after being injured through no fault of his or her own. The attorney can be of great help in determining what is permitted and what is prohibited at this time. The goal is to protect the rights of the victim and his or her ability to obtain compensation, and the attorney works to ensure this is what happens as the claim moves through the legal system.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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