Laparoscopy: Purpose, Surgical Applications, and Risks

Surgical methods have come a long way since they were first performed to treat various illnesses. Nowadays, patients are given the option to undergo minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopy for specific conditions. The purpose of these less invasive procedures is to minimise risks and at the same time, reduce the recovery time.

What is laparoscopy, and why is it performed? 

Laparoscopy got its name from the laparoscope, which is the instrument used by the surgeon to conduct the surgery. This instrument is what the surgeon uses to look into the abdominal organs. Many hospitals and clinics today specialise in laparoscopic surgical treatment such as With the help of expert surgeons, the patient can undergo the procedure and recover within a short amount of time.

Laparoscopy is performed when other non-invasive procedures are not sufficient to identify the source of the medical condition. While a typical example of the application of laparoscopy is groin hernia repair London clinics may also perform laparoscopy as an aid in diagnosing diseases. Laparoscopy may be recommended to examine the following organs:

  • Gallbladder
  • Appendix
  • Reproductive organ
  • Stomach
  • Spleen
  • Small and large intestines
  • Liver
  • Pancreas

By using the laparoscope to observe these organs, the doctor can detect if the patient has a tumour, excess fluid in the abdomen or liver disease.

Different kinds of operations performed using laparoscopy 

Many surgeries involving the abdominal area may be done through laparoscopy. There are anti-reflux surgery London clinics, gallbladder surgery London clinics, as well as health facilities that perform a laparoscopy to correct an inguinal hernia, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

The safety of laparoscopy to remove certain types of cancer tumours is also being explored. To a certain extent, colorectal cancer has proven to be an excellent candidate for laparoscopy.

How safe is laparoscopy? 

Laparoscopy is generally a low-risk procedure. But there are common risks that may occur during or after the operation such as bleeding, accidental damage to organs, and infection. If you have undergone any laparoscopic procedure, your doctor will often recommend that you watch out for any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Bleeding, swelling, or redness
  • Unable to urinate
  • Light-headedness

If your doctor believes that the risks of performing laparoscopic surgery are too high, they may opt for open surgery instead. This is often the case when the patient has already undergone prior surgery in the abdomen. Since abdominal surgery increases adhesion between organs, performing laparoscopy becomes more difficult and raises the possibility of causing injury to these organs.

Preparing for laparoscopic surgery 

Regardless of the type of laparoscopic surgery you are undergoing, you need to inform your doctor of any medication you are actively taking. Your doctor will recommend how you can adjust the dosage, or if it will affect the outcome of the surgery.

Your hernia repair London surgeon, for example, will also recommend medical tests, including imaging tests such as a CT scan or an MRI scan. These tests give the surgeon a better understanding of the abnormality, and to have a visual basis which will increase the success of the procedure.

After going through a laparoscopy surgery, make sure to keep your stitches covered for approximately 48 hours. Avoid alcohol consumption under all circumstances. Pain and bloating are common reactions, however, if they do not subside within a few days, consider seeking medical assistance.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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