Life after Brexit. Will Foreigners Still Be Able to Work in the UK?

Although many wouldn’t believe it before the voting took place, Brexit did happen. So it is time to stop mourning and begin to understand what exactly Brexit means. Both British and EU citizens are affected by this event, but the situation of the foreigners seems more blurry than ever.

The official statements regarding the ongoing political negotiations are made to sound as reassuring as possible and yet, there is panic everywhere and people do not know what the future holds for them. Is there a future for foreigners in Great Britain? What about their jobs? Here is what you should know.

Give Me Numbers

According to the Office of National Statistics, between January and March over3 million EU citizens were working in the UK. And the prime-minister Theresa May has promised to have solutions for everyone. The now-famous “settle status” will allow EU nationals to live there for as long as they want, thus preventing any family split-ups.

Limited Workers From Abroad

However, the subject regarding jobs for foreigners is a different issue. According to Theresa May, there will be a system of permits that limits the number of working migrants under the Home Office proposals. This is part of the new immigration plans that will be implemented starting in March 2019. After this date, EU workers will have to go through a registration process, but it is little known about it. Officials stated that more information will be provided after the new immigration policy remains permanent. Also, Chancellor Philip Hammond stated that there will be a transition period between Brexit and the moment when the negotiated policies will be implemented.

This does not mean trouble only for the individual workers, but for UK employers too. An interesting fact is that they may have to recruit British citizens first and look for foreigners only after the first mandatory condition has been applied.

UK Economy At Risk

Although theUK has been seen as one of the most attractive work destinations, foreigners might be tempted to leave and thus set on fire a very serious job crisis. Moreover, statistics show that a highly skilled worker is more likely to be the first to leave if his job is threatened by uncertainty.

Another problem that was brought to the public’s attention was that the foreign citizens have greatly contributed to the economy of the UK and Brexit could damage all the progress that was made until now, far more quickly than the Government can take measures.

Paper Trouble

            Even though the future situation of immigrants in the UK is unclear at the moment, this should not discourage people from considering it a great place to find a job. Stressful as it is, immigrating can be even more difficult when you don’t know exactly how to deal with this change. If you want to do things right, professional help is always advised and may considerately improve your experience. WM Immigration is a company that offers guidance in this matter.

Final Thoughts

Brexit was a big surprise for the entire world but the cards have been made and now we have to play. However, this is not a game and the entire situation should be managed with care and wisdom and hopefully it will lead to a better future. Although all the solutions are haven’t been found yet, the most important thing is that all parties involved in negotiations wish for the best and the well-being of citizens is their main concern.

Malini Somra

Hi, My Name is Malini and by Profession I am a fashion designer. I love to write about latest fashion and home decor ideas.

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