Life Will Knock Your Teeth Out At Least Twice In Your Lifetime: Know the Common Dental Injuries

Have you ever dreamt that you lost all of your teeth, and were encompassed by an overwhelming sense of relief on realizing it is, after all, just a dream? Dental injuries can be unpleasant and stressful. The good news, however, is you can avoid them by implementing the steps specified below. Please check them out right now.

  1. Knocked-Out Tooth

If you experience this particular condition, it is better to seek professional assistance immediately. An emergency dentist may save your literal teeth even when they are knocked out of your mouth. If a tooth cannot be implanted back in the socket, you may have to opt for dentures. Control the bleeding using a sterile cloth or gauze. For swelling and pain, apply an ice pack or consume ibuprofen.

To avoid your teeth from being knocked out, you must undertake certain preventive measures. For example, maintain proper oral hygiene and adhere to a balanced diet so that your teeth are strong and not prone to breakage. Put on a mouthguard while playing any sort of contact sport, and be careful in general if you tend to slip, trip, or fall. That is it.

  1. Dislodged Tooth

A dislodged tooth, also known as extruded, avulsed, or luxated tooth, happens when the mouth goes through immense trauma. Starting from adventurous sports to accidents, a large number of things can be held responsible. In certain cases, you can push the tooth back into its former position, but if the blood flow has been obstructed somehow, there is no other choice than undertaking a root canal treatment.

Suck on an ice popsicle or apply ice cubes wrapped in a clean washcloth on the cheek to reduce inflammation as much as possible. If you do not wish to invest in a replacement, place the tooth in a bowl of milk. The moister the tooth, the easier it will get back in the socket. Watch out for fever, profuse bleeding, excruciating pain, and change in the colour of the gums, all of which are signs of infection.

  1. Chipped Tooth

Chipped or cracked tooth is rarely painful, thus, not a source of concern. But, you must get this condition examined, and install a dental onlay for restoring the shape of the tooth, and keeping complications at bay. Cavities are known for weakening the enamel. Grinding teeth and eating acid-producing food items like fruit juice, caffeine, etc. also have a role to play. So, avoid them.

There are various home remedies that you may try before medical intervention. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with salt water so that harmful germs fail to get access. Also, if the breakage has caused a jagged or sharp edge, make sure to cover it with sugarless gum or a piece of paraffin wax. In this way, it will not cut the tongue and insides of your lip and cheek. Never bite anything hard. If you have to eat, go for liquids.

The aforementioned conditions can be prevented only if you agree to act with utmost caution. Just like staying out at night increases your risk of being a victim of crime, similarly not taking care of the teeth make them vulnerable, or a victim of injuries. Brush twice a day, floss, and do whatever it takes to strengthen those pearly whites of yours.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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