Lighting Tips for Healthy and Productive Workplaces

Just like the office layout, lighting is an essential part of office design, it can have a huge impact on the people. Lighting can affect how people make decisions and how productive they are. With adequate lighting, your employees can work with fewer mistakes, which leads to a 50% increase in productivity. It also decreases eye-strain and headaches, neck pain, nausea that often accompany eye strain. However, the level of lighting employees need depends on the office design, nature of work, and the environment. So, you must work with a certified commercial electrician in Houston to have the perfect lighting layout in your workplace.

There are some lighting tips that you can follow to make your workplace more pleasant and productive.

Use Cool Temperature Light

Cool does not refer to how hot a light bulb gets, but rather the color quality. Bulb color temperatures are measured in Kelvin. Temperatures less than 3,000 Kelvin are considered warm and have a red or yellow cast. Temperatures between 3,000 and 4,600 are cool white. The 4,600 and higher Kelvin bulbs are the coolest color. Studies revealed that office productivity increases substantially as well as improve mental acuity, reduce eye strain, and fatigue under cool light. Workers under the cool light report that they feel happier and more alert, as well. If you are considering replacing the light with cool temperature ones, then call in local commercial electrician Katy for proper installation.

Introduce Daylight

Natural light in the office helps reduce eye strain, headaches, and blurred vision of the employees. Exposure to natural light also helps regulate hormones and keeps the circadian rhythm in check, allowing employees to sleep soundly at night and work efficiently the next day. You can introduce natural light by installing bigger windows or by choosing lighter colors for the office interiors to reflect more daylight. However, if your office is windowless, consider skylights.

The More Light the Better

The more, the better is true when it comes to lighting in the workplace. This is because the high level of light helps your employees avoid tiredness, lack of concentration, and stress. The correct amount of light can be determined by looking at the luminance of the light that is measured in one lumen per square meter. An average workplace should be light with a luminous emittance of 500 lux. The higher the luminance, the better will be the employees’ visual performance and their processing of visual information, which in return means higher productivity. If you are not sure that your office lights have the right luminance, then ask the commercial electrician Houston to look into and if not they can help install higher luminance lights.

Install Lighting Control System

Lighting control systems help you save energy by responding to how each area of the office is used. Adding a lighting control system into an office means you can get the most out of any newly installed lighting in terms of performance and energy-saving capabilities. Areas that aren’t in constant use, such as meeting rooms, corridors, and toilets will benefit from a lighting control system as this will ensure these areas are only lit when they are in use. Hire the commercial electrician Katy to install a lighting control system.

These are some lighting tips to follow to make your workplace more pleasant and productive. If you are looking for a reliable and certified commercial electrician Katy to install new lights or lighting control system in your office, contact Mr. Electric of Katy today. They provide 24 hour emergency commercial electrical services as well.

Daisy Andrew

I am Daisy Andrew, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. I adore writing blog on many topics, like Home Improvement, Pet, Food, Automotive, Business, Health, Lifestyle etc.

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