Looking Into Solar? Here’s What you Need to Know

Looking Into Solar? Here’s What you Need to Know

If you are looking to go solar, you will want to consider a number of factors. That’s because you want to make sure that you are getting the most from your investment. Here is a look at ten things that you need to look for when going solar.

1). Is My Home or Business Suitable For Solar Panels?

The first thing that you will want to consider is whether or not your home or your business should have solar panels installed in the first place. That means you have to consider if your home or business gets enough sun to justify going solar. You also have to make sure that the solar energy that you do get allows you to get all the power that you need for your home or business. Therefore, you will want to do some careful research on how much sun exposure your property has before making your final purchasing decision.

2). Can I Install Solar Panels Myself?

If you are handy with tools, then you may want to consider installing the solar panels yourself. However, you will have to bear in mind that solar panel installation is a complex and dangerous process. You will want to make sure that you have the tools and knowhow to get the job done properly.
In the future, it may become easier to install solar panels yourself. However, right now, you will want to consider having a professional take care of the job. In particular, you will want to hire someone who has been awarded certification from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP).

3). How Much Power Can I Generate By Going Solar?

If your property does have sufficient sun exposure, then going solar may be a viable option for you. However, you will want to make sure that the solar panels can generate enough energy for your specific needs. For instance, if you have a business, you will want to make sure that the solar panels are able to power all of your business operations. Also, if you have a large home, you will want to make sure that the solar panels will be able to handle all of your residential energy needs.

4). Can I Get Financing When Going Solar?

Since going solar is a major investment, you will want to look into financing. For instance, if you live in the San Jose area, you can do an internet search for “Solar Financing San Jose” and find some excellent results. In just about every city with lots of solar installation business, there are many solar financing solutions available.
One of the advantages of solar financing is that the monthly payments for the solar loan can be lower than your monthly energy bill. Also, you can find many solar loans available with below-market interest rates.

5). Will I Save Money By Going Solar?

One of the biggest reasons why people go solar is that they can save money versus a regular energy service. However, you will want to do some calculations and see if the numbers work for you. If you intend to be in your property over the long term, then going solar will make sense. That’s because you will see some incredible energy savings after you have paid off your solar panels.

6). Is Solar Safe?

Most solar panels are extremely safe. In fact, all solar panels meet international inspection and testing standards. However, nothing is completely 100% safe. You will want to make sure that you have a top team of installers work on your solar panels to ensure safe installation and wiring.

7). Can I Get State and Federal Tax Incentives When Going Solar?

There are many parts of the country where you can get state incentives for going solar. If you want to see if solar incentives are available in your zip code, you can use this search tool from the Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE).

Getting Ready to Go Solar

Going solar can be a great idea for your property. Be sure to do your research to ensure that you can generate all the benefits and cost savings of going solar. It could be the best investment that you can make for your business.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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