Losing Weight Is A Lifestyle: Why Every Diet Is A Lie

As a society, we have been programmed to see excess weight as bad. There is some truth to it too, which is what makes the problem so pernicious. If you are overweight, your chances of contracting an illness are much higher.

Does this mean it’s a valid thing to obsess over, though? Smoking is bad for you. Using plug-in air fresheners is bad for you. In fact, you’d be hard pushed to find something that isn’t bad for you. The way that scientific studies are done now is skewed to give an answer that suits the people organizing the study. That’s why there are studies saying coffee is good for you; and others saying it’s a health risk.

When it comes to weight loss, the health side of it falls by the wayside. People may try and dress it up as a health concern, but that isn’t where the issue comes from. That’s seen a side consideration; the main focus is looking good, feeling great, being confident. It’s all about the outer part, not the inner. There is even a destructive vein of thought that teaches people who are overweight are lazy or somehow failing.

So, maybe you weigh more than you should. Your BMI isn’t great (but then again, maybe you shouldn’t listen to that given it is inherently flawed). You want to lose weight, and when that’s the situation, the next thing people do is look for a diet.
Dieting, however, doesn’t work. And what’s more, the proponents of diets need them to not work. They need you to stay overweight, so you remain a source of income. If you lose weight and keep it off – like they all promise – then their revenue streams dry up.
It’s time to change this destructive pattern. Looking and feeling better is a side note – you should be focused on lowering your weight for the right reasons.

Don’t Diet

This flies in the face of the way we have been talking about weight loss for a generation and change, but it really is that simple. Don’t diet, ever. The reason for this is simple. The moment you diet, you become fixated on the “bad” foods. You get caught up in a torrent of the things you shouldn’t have to the point of obsession.

Let’s extend the problem further. Say you lose weight, you’re a veritable “after” picture and you feel good for it. You’ve hit your goal, so you don’t diet anymore. Of course, you put weight back on, as you are always prone to do.
So ignore the Zone, tell Atkins to get lost and even the much heralded WeightWatchers has got to go. They don’t work; if they did, the companies that sell them would go out of business.

So, What Does Work?

It’s a brave new world, and you’re smack in the middle of it. Yet without a diet to fall back on, you’re left wondering how you lose weight. You need to ask yourself some questions to truly figure out your next steps – not just defaulting to a quick fix.

#1 – Why Are You Overweight?

There’s always a reason. It might be health connected; conditions like PCOS and an underactive thyroid can make weight gain inevitable. It’s also likely due to a lack of time, as you juggle work and home life. One thing diets expect is that you will magically have more time to dedicate to preparing food – but it’s just not going to happen.
Maybe your willpower is poor, or perhaps your lifestyle is not healthy. Most of us work in office jobs, which are sedentary – so maybe you’re not getting enough exercise. Only by identifying the actual root causes – not the “lazy” stereotype society teaches you – can you fix the issue.

#2 – Are You Always Hungry?

There is a stereotype of overweight people eating for the sake of it – but many eat because they are always hungry. It’s hard to deny your body something when it is literally crying out for nutrition.
It might sound hard to believe, but sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Do you drink enough water? Now, answer honestly, not the default answer you give your doctor. You know you should, but you probably don’t. For one thing, it can make a huge difference to satiating hunger.

Another leading cause of excess hunger is not eating the right foods. Carbohydrates will give you a sugar high, but then a crash – they’re not built to sustain nutrition. Protein is the answer here, as well as “good” fats such as those found in nuts. Studies have shown eating a handful of nuts sustains your blood sugar level, and you’re less likely to snack.

#3 – Are You Prepared To Change Your Lifestyle?

Deep down, you already know how to lose weight. The problem is, we don’t like the answer. We fall for the idea of quick fixes because the simple equation that actually fixes things sounds like a lot of hard work.

It’s basic. To lose weight, you have to use more calories than you eat. Now just existing burns calories, and the less you consume the less you have to burn. So you have to eat foods that are reasonable in calories, don’t cause you to be hungry, and which you can burn off. Dropping unhealthy things like sugar-laden sodas will help. You’ll do well by taking some help from The Alternative Daily.

So you have to eat low calories, preferably from good sources like vegetables, and you have to exercise. Yes, it really is that easy. And you already knew that when you started looking for diet tips. You won’t just feel more energized. You’ll feel better – your skin, your general health and even your teeth will show the benefits.

You’re going to have to commit to eating less and exercising more. Nothing else is going to work. There is no quick fix; this is a lifestyle change, switching habits to sustain you. That doesn’t mean you can’t have the occasional off day or let go, but that’s how you have to approach losing weight.

If that all sounds rough, remember: you’ll feel better, and you’ll be healthier. All for a simple lifestyle switch, and one you don’t have to pay money for. Isn’t that worth it?

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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