Loving Help: How to Help Your Special-Needs Child Enjoy the Dentist

Every child should visit a dentist twice a year for an examination and cleaning, but children with special needs often have problems with these events. However, as a parent, you can help your child feel more comfortable at the dentist’s office. Use these tips to help your child enjoy visiting the dentist.

Talk to Your Child about the Upcoming Dental Appointment

Don’t surprise your child with a dental appointment because it can lead to a temper tantrum that makes an examination impossible. Begin telling your daughter or son about the appointment a week in advance, helping a child to cope with feelings of fear or anxiety. Make sure to listen to your son or daughter carefully to understand why your child is worried about visiting a dentist’s office. Have a calendar in your home that is marked with the date of the dental examination so that your child is prepared for the visit.

Role-Play What Happens at a Dentist’s Office

You can role-play what happens at a dentist’s office to help your child with special needs understand what will happen. Create a pretend dental examination room with chairs and equipment so that your child can practice sitting in the chair while you examine his teeth with a toothbrush or other devices. Not only does this help your child understand what will happen during the examination and cleaning, but also, your daughter or son becomes accustomed to having objects inserted into the mouth.

Use DVDs and Books to Explain Dental Examinations

Visit a local bookstore that has educational DVDs and books. Find books and DVDs that teach children about dental examinations. You may also find these items at a nearby public library. Read these books or show the DVDs to your child several times, and also, listen to your child’s concerns or questions about visiting the dentist. Make sure to explain to your child that most dental visits are routine and that the dentist will only collect X-rays, look at his teeth and remove a buildup of plaque.

Find a Dentist Who Offers Sedation Dentistry Treatments

If your child with special needs can’t cope with a dental examination or a procedure, then you will need to find a dentist like Harris Roger M III or someone similar who offers sedation dentistry treatments. It is possible for a dentist to use only a small amount of sedation to calm a child’s anxiousness during an examination, dental cleaning or a procedure such as filling a cavity. Sedation dentistry can make it much easier for you and your child to cope with visiting a dentist’s office several times a year.

Let the Dentist Examine Your Teeth First

When you bring a child with special needs to a dental office for an examination, spend some time in the office helping your child acclimate.  One way to do this is to let the dentist look at your teeth first. Your child will feel calmer after seeing what happens during your cleaning or procedure, and he will have fewer fears about having his own examination. It can also help to spend some time chatting with the dentist and the staff to get your child used to the idea of working with them.
Having a special needs child can be challenging at times, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. If you take the time to ensure that your child is happy and comfortable during their visit to the dentist, they will show you their gratitude and their love.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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