Low Maintenance Plants To Beautify Your Indoors

It’s a challenge for some homeowners to keep up the lush and green gardens of their house and lot for sale in Laguna. Some owners with “brown thumbs” or those with no experience in growing plants don’t know where to start. Even if the weather is ideal for producing flower path or a shruberry, these folks just can’t make it work.

It’s the opposite with homeowners who can nurse their plants back from the dead. The can grow plants, but they don’t have enough space for it.

Fortunately, there’s a solution to these woes. Those who want to add some greens to their home can use indoor plants. Most indoor plants are low maintenance. They are happy with water and indirect light. If you want to add some life to your house, here are indoor plants you can incorporate in the area.


These plants have colorful flowers perfect for spring and summer. Still, it isn’t a fan of water. The plants only need water after the soil has no moisture left. Cold climates such as those with four seasons can save on water as these plants require less attention during the cold months. They don’t need exposure to sunlight as the heat and rays of the sun can stress out the wax types.

Begonias are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they are also highly useful. They make excellent deer repellents so you can place them in trouble spots in the garden.


Jade is a succulent. Many people enjoy having at home. It’s a symbol of luck, so its best to provide the utmost care when having one at home. Unlike other plants, Jade requires a damp soil. Too much water will cause the root to rot. Regarding sunlight, it needs exposure to sunlight to grow properly. Most of all, it needs composts so it can become a Jade tree. The key is to mix the fertilizer with water to avoid damaging the roots.


Epipremnum aureum or pothos are great to have indoors. Besides being low maintenance, the plant has various leaf formation that adds beauty to any space. The Glacier, for example, has a marble-like effect on its leaves.

Ordinary pothos is easy to maintain. It can thrive under indirect light. If the plant lacks exposure to light, its leaves will turn to green. Still, it can grow on dry soil or a vase filled with water. It can also thrive on soil lacking in nutrients or nutrient-rich ones.

Snake Plant

Sansevieria is known as the mother-in-law’s tongue because of its leaves. The leaves form a sharp point and come in different varieties. It can also survive limited exposure to light and arid conditions. Moreover, snake plants pose few insect problems even when indoors.

Research from NASA shows that Sansevieria effectively purifies the air at home. It removes formaldehyde and benzene, some of the toxins in the air that can impair the organs of the body.


These plants come in different sizes with leaf varieties and colors. Other kinds sprout flowers and unique features. They can weather any storm and terrain as long as they remain in a well-drained garden and potting soil. If you plan to maintain a succulent at home, it’s best to place them in prepared soil. These type of plants often have fragile and shallow roots that are susceptible to damage.

ZZ plant

ZZ stands for Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Amazingly, this plant stays green and healthy, so people mistake them as fake plants. It has tall stalks and deep green rubbery leaves. It prefers to be alone under moderate levels of light. It is also comfortable in a bright indirect light. Too much sun turns the leaves to curl and turn to yellow. It also needs less water so you can forget you have a plant to take care of after a while.


Having plants at home provides multiple purposes. The greens breathe life into the space by producing oxygen and getting rid of toxins in the air. At the same time, it enhances the aesthetic of the area. Last but the least, it keeps you busy. The plants give you something to tend and look forward to its progress.

janice jaramillo

Janice Jaramillo is a twenty something who loves to write various topics . She likes to travel around the world to meet new people and gain new experiences.

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