Luxury Engagement Must Haves

So you’ve decided to pop the question to your favourite person in the world. Congratulations! You’ll (hopefully!) only ever do this once in your lifetime, so you’ll want to make it perfect. Both for you and them! So go all out and choose luxury. Here are the luxury engagement must haves.

The Luxury Setting

There isn’t a generic answer to where the perfect luxury setting will be. Everyone’s preference will be different. Perhaps somewhere romantic abroad like the Maldives or Paris, if you are keen jet-setters. If you are home birds, choose a luxury restaurant nearby that you know will provide a good experience.

The Luxurious Ring

The ring, of course, is an important part of the engagement; it’s what everyone wants to see as evidence! It is also the easiest way to go luxury. When choosing the ring, you will need to know your partner well. Do they prefer princess cut or vintage engagement rings? Coloured stone or a classic diamond? All these preferences are unfortunately details you will have to tease out of them unless you choose to pick the ring together. This might be the better option if your partner is picky! If completely stumped, speak to the jeweller, they will know what makes a luxury ring.

The Perfect Moment

Make sure you know your moment. To do this, again, you need to know your partner well. If they are at the centre of any party, make a scene and pop the question somewhere busy and on show, like the middle of a busy city! Or even in front of all their friends. If they are a little more reserved, choose a time when there is just the two of you, so they don’t have to feel self-conscious. Picking the right moment is crucial not to ruin the luxury setting around you. A five-star restaurant suddenly doesn’t feel so luxurious for somebody shy who’s got everyone’s attention!

The Little Touches

The little touches are what your partner will remember and be touched by, as well as adding an extra element of luxury. Think romance with your extra touches, a bouquet of flowers, Rose preferably! Or play music which means something to both of you. You could even think of a fun quirky way for her to find the ring, rather than in a traditional box. Also, be prepared enough to have drinks ready to toast to your future!

The Luxury Celebration

It’s not all over yet! An engagement calls for a celebration. It’s up to you how big you make this, small can still be luxurious. Why not go for some pricey champagne cocktails straight afterwards if you’d prefer to keep your celebrations to yourself. Alternatively, arrange a party and announce your news to your family during it! You could go all out with a party, ice sculptors, waiters, canapes: all the classy things in life at one venue.

Make sure to prepare all these must-haves before you propose to make it memorable! How could they ever say no? Good luck!

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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