Magnetic Drain Plug: Pros and Cons

Metallic drain plugs are of crucial significance for any automobile. They are very effective in doing away with all kinds of metallic particles from the circulation within the engine. But prior to selecting a magnetic drain plug for your car you need to measure the pros and cons well.

You should also take into account the needs of your automobile and then decide on the basis of all these considerations whether to go for the magnetic drain plug or not. Just read on.

Pros of Magnetic Drain Plugs
Magnetic drain plugs have a number of awesome assets and you should consider all these at the time of making this decision.

  • The flow restriction that is created by the oil filter will be less as the metal particles are attracted to the metal plug and there is less gunk in it. The oil will flow more easily through the engine. This will enhance the lifespan and health of your engine.
  • These are cheaper than the disposable filters and are highly reusable. Though you will need to install a standard filter, its lifespan will be enhanced and it will function in the optimum way for a longer period of time.
  • It is less likely that your engine will experience oil oxidation. This happens because of the particles contributing to the process of oxidation will be attracted and adhering to the magnet.
  • If something goes wrong with the engine and you need to identify harmful particles then you can use the magnetic pump for testing the samples. At the time of oil change, the amount of particles on the plug can also provide indication of the problem. If there is a sudden augmentation of the deposits then you can seek for a mechanic who can perform the repairs if anything if anything has really gone wrong.

Cons of Magnetic Drain Plugs
Like every good things these, too, have their own set of cons. You need to consider these at the time of taking the decision.

  • The magnetic drain plugs will not let you identify any of the non-magnetised particles that may be present in your engine.
  • If left over for an extended period of time the particles that remain attached to the plug over time could get detached as big lumps and can create issue in the engine. A magnetic separator in the line can make this issue less likely. But it is definitely something that should be considered as the high rate of oil flow happens to be a contributory factor.
  • Cleaning the plugs happens to be a troublesome job. Since the plugs are reusable they have to be cleaned when the oil needs to be changed. In order to remove the particles from the magnetic plug you need to use an air hose. This may give rise to safety concerns. You have to protect your skin from the tiny particles. Moreover, you should also use goggles in order to prevent the particles from getting into the eye.

If you have access to the right tools to properly clean and maintain your magnetic drain plug or if your mechanic agrees to do the needful then this plug is a great choice for enhancing the longevity of your engine. But if you are concerned about the large particles moving around freely in the oil or the usage of the air hose intimidates you then you should think twice before opting for this. So weigh your options and understand your need to decide whether you want to go for this for your engine.

Akshay Sharma

Akshay Sharma is a digital marketing enthusiast and has written many topics in the related field.

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