Male Hair Loss: How to Prevent It

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Losing hair has become a rising concern for most men. According to statistics, about 75% of men start experiencing hair loss at the age of 30s. Others start losing hair before they even turn 25.
While some men embrace the changes and start shaving their heads to baldness, others are seeking possible ways to prevent it. There is no magic way to regrow your hair, but there are plenty of methods and solutions to prevent hair loss.

Myths and Misconceptions about Hair Loss

Can wearing a cap or a helmet cause hair loss? What about combing? There are a lot of debates. Some people say it’s true, and others say no.
Neither brushing nor styling will make you go bald. So, there is no need to worry.

Hair Loss and Health

Hair loss is a natural phenomenon. It is not a medical problem, and it doesn’t impact your health in any way.

Causes of Hair Loss

There are plenty of things that cause hair loss in men. About 90% of alopecia result from baldness, which is genetically inherited from parents. Other causes may include:

  • Stress
  • Pollution
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Diet
  • Heavy shaving (telogen)

Important note: Hair loss that isn’t a result of baldness can regrow.

Hair loss in men: Medication

There is no cure for baldness. However, some medications can reduce it. Minoxidil is the most well-known over the counter medicine FDA-approved to slow men’s baldness. Once applied to your scalp, it can reduce the rate of hair loss.
However, if you stop using it, you will start experiencing hair loss again. Also, you can use a laser cap. It is a device worn for about 25 minutes within a day. It can help to reduce hair loss too.
So, what are the methods to prevent hair loss in men?

Eat a Well Balanced Diet

Iron deficiency can be the cause of hair loss, especially for men fond of plant-based diets. According to research, the type of iron you can find in animal products such as eggs and shrimps get absorbed better within the body. Men who eat iron found in plants such as spinach and lentils may want to consume more nutrients.
It is recommended for an adult male to eat about 8mg of iron within a day. Although it may take a few months, the results are worth it. Also, eating protein-rich foods such as meat and fish can reduce your hair loss on its track.

Vitamin D

Your hair loss can be due to low vitamin D in your body. According to research, men with alopecia are three times more likely to be vitamin D deficient than those with healthy hair.
You can add vitamin D-rich foods to your daily diet-these include:

  • Salmon
  • Milk
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna, and a handful more

Don’t expose your scalp to the sun in search of vitamin D. You may end up making a bigger problem.
Warning: Excessive exposure to direct sunlight may lead to skin cancer.

Avoid Stress

Some cases of hair loss have been linked to stress. It is a condition that puts hair follicles into a resting stage, meaning they can no longer grow.
Stress can also fill your body with cortisol, which can lead to fluctuation in other hormone levels. This accelerates hair loss, especially if you are genetically linked to baldness.
So, managing stress is important if you are losing more hair than normal. Practice meditation and do regular exercises. Alternative therapies such as gym and yoga can help you deal with your stress levels.

Wash Your Hair with a Shampoo

Keeping your hair clean is a great way of preventing hair loss. Cleaning your hair lowers the possible risks of infections such as dandruff that can lead to hair loss.
Ketoconazole is a standard anti-dandruff shampoo recommended to use when cleaning your hair. Apply this shampoo on your scalp, wash your hair about 2-3 minutes, and rinse it.

Have Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is another way to prevent hair loss. It involves removing hair follicles from the donor region and planting them on your scalp.

To Sum Up

Going bald is one of the common problems globally. Not only it lowers down your personality, but it can also affect your look. Thankfully, the five methods above can help you stop reduce hair loss.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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