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The Meaning Of Super Mom

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Two years ago, I decided I wanted to try and have a baby. I had worked at my brick and mortar job for five years and had established a great reputation for being dependable and responsible. I had received two promotions in the years I had worked there and knew I had not reached a glass ceiling. When I finally did get pregnant, everyone seemed to be happy for me. I could tell there was a little doubt wondering if I would still be as dependable as before.

What I Thought Would Happen

super-momI was not known for being naive, but my thoughts were surely headed there. I believed that I would be super mom. I mean I was in charge of twelve employees so I definitely could handle my career and a baby. Women did it all the time and it seemed almost effortless. To make matters even better I was going to nurse my child for a year and still try to earn that promotion I so wanted a work. I expected that I could go out for six weeks, have the baby, and return to work just as normal.


I did not understand how people made it being pregnant and working a full-time job. I was exhausted and between getting calls from work in the middle of the night and not getting any sleep due to the position of the baby, I was falling asleep everywhere. I had a hard time both at home and at work trying to keep it all together. I thought once the baby was born, I would not be as tired. Well baby came and instead of having a natural delivery, the doctors performed a cesarean section. Now, I would be out a minimum of eight weeks. Once I went back to work, I was falling apart. I was still hurting; I was trying to nurse during my breaks, and staying awake all night with the baby. Did I really think this was going to work?

New Beginnings

Well, I walked around the next four weeks like a zombie trying to balance work and home life. I had always been proud of my career but now it was getting in the way of my life. I had a new outlook on what was important to me. I quit my job to stay home with my son. I could not bear the thought of not being with him and work was not my first priority any longer. Staying home with my son was the best decision I ever made and some days I still feel like super mom when I can hold a baby and vacuum at the same time. Super mom comes in different meanings for everyone.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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