Mineral-based Sunscreen Advice – Broad-Spectrum UV Protection Explained

When purchasing from amongst the best sunscreen on the market, you will usually find products marked as being able to offer broad spectrum UV protection. Whilst this is a term that most of us are familiar with, not so many of us understand exactly what it means. In this blog, that’s exactly what we’re going to attempt to clarify.

Sure, we all know that mineral-based sunscreen should be worn to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, however, it’s a little more complicated than that. Whether you’re using baby sunscreen, sensitive skin sunscreen or sunscreen for face, the need for broad-spectrum UV protection remains.


The sun produces three types of ultraviolet (UV) light; UVA, UVB and UVC. The highest frequency variety is UVC and fortunately for us, this type of UV light is absorbed by the earth’s ozone layer, so our mineral-based sunscreen doesn’t have to protect against it. UVA and UVB rays however, do get through our atmosphere, which necessitates the use of sun protection.

UVA rays represent the most prevalent type of sunlight on the planet. In fact, it accounts for around 95% of the radiation on the earth’s surface. UVA rays can penetrate glass, fog and clouds and can cause skin tanning, skin aging and wrinkles, and mineral-based sunscreen is most certainly needed when they’re present.

Lastly, we come to UVB rays, which can’t pass through fog, clouds and glass, but are the chief cause of sunburn and skin redness. Because of their inability to pass through clouds, the intensity of UVB rays can vary depending on the prevailing weather conditions. It’s another type of UV sunlight that necessitates the use of a good quality mineral-based sunscreen.

Broad-Spectrum UV Protection

As you can see, if a mineral-based sunscreen is to provide complete protection, it needs to provide a barrier against both UVA and UVB rays. When sunscreen is effective against both, it’s known as providing broad-spectrum protection and with this information it becomes really obvious why buying sunscreen without it isn’t a good idea.

If your sunscreen only provides UVA protection, you’re not going to get any benefit against UVB rays, which can be just as damaging – particularly in direct sunlight. Look for sunscreen brands that have mineral-based sunscreen products that come with broad-spectrum UV protection, as we believe that no sunscreen should come without it.

Broad Spectrum UV Protection that Loves the Planet

Mineral-based sunscreens are dermatologist recommended and provide the ultimate broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection. Sunscreens that are formulated with Zinc Oxide and do not contain Oxybenzone or Octinoxate.

So, if you’re looking for effective protection against all types of UV light and you’d like to do your bit to protect our precious marine habitats, check online and you’ll find a full range of mineral-based sunscreen for kids, sensitive skin sunscreen, sunscreen sticks and more.

Mineral-based sunscreens are ready and waiting to help you in any way they can!

UVA rays represent the most prevalent type of sunlight on the planet. In fact, it accounts for around 95% of the radiation on the earth’s surface. UVA rays can penetrate glass, fog and clouds and can cause skin tanning, skin aging and wrinkles, and mineral-based sunscreen is most certainly needed when they’re present.

Lastly, we come to UVB rays, which can’t pass through fog, clouds and glass, but are the chief cause of sunburn and skin redness. Because of their inability to pass through clouds, the intensity of UVB rays can vary depending on the prevailing weather conditions. It’s another type of UV sunlight that necessitates the use of a good quality mineral-based sunscreen.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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