Modern Treatment Options for Neck and Back Pain

Pain is an issue that can limit your ability and enjoyment in doing the things you love most. Moreover, the situation becomes more unbearable as you age. However, many pain relief therapies and treatments of the back and neck region exist to help you live the most comfortable life. Warren J. Bleiweiss, MD, is the best pain specialist in Caldwell, NJ, to get you going, and continue as you become older.

What biological issues lead to sudden pain?

Your body has many bony structures connected with a series of fibers and muscles. Additionally, a nerve fiber runs across the entire body to help you detect and deal with any injuries. The most common disc issues that cause you pain include:

  • Degenerative disc disease

The disease arises from a degeneration that occurs over time, leading to dehydration. A lack of fluid to cushion and absorb shock leads to pinched nerves and instability in the spinal regions that cause extreme pain.

  • Herniated discs

Herniated Discs contain a gel-like substance that possesses a protective structure. However, as you age or have an injury, the discs become more permeable, forcing the gel out. As the gel expands, the nearby structures become more pressured. Further pressure destroys the gel’s protective cover, leading to irritation and inflammation, causing extreme pain in your neck and back regions.

What options are available for relieving neck and back pain

Preventive measures offer the best way to deal with pain. If you are at the age of 20-40, there is a greater chance of developing herniated discs. Dr. Bleiweiss offers the best preventive measures for the issue to accord you some peace of mind.

Alternative Disc Therapy offers many options that include monitoring and early treatments of signs that may lead to chronic pain or any sort of pain in the back and neck regions.

Treatments that Help Relieve Back Pain

Personalized treatments are at the center of Alternative Disc Therapy goals. You will find that your issues differ from that of another person in most cases, making cookie-cutter procedures ineffective. Consequently, you will need a proper evaluation with cutting edge technology to deal with any back pain.

Healing times also vary between patients; that’s why the minimally invasive procedures at Alternative Disc Therapy will help you heal much faster. Common treatments for pains include:

  • Autologous biologics injections

This treatment compels natural healing to resolve pain and any discomfort felt in your back and neck region. The treatment works by stimulating the growth of cells that replicate the cartilage and collagen to mend your back completely.

  • Ozone disc injections

This type of treatment helps reduce inflammation and increases the flow of blood in your disk. Dr. Bleiweiss is one of the persons at the center of this revolutionary treatment. The treatment is one of the most effective in helping calm down your pain and mend your back.

Pain can destroy your quality of life and prevent you from reaching the most significant goals. However, Dr. Bleiweiss of Alternative Disc Therapy has a remedy for your pain. Reach the facility through a phone call or go online to book your appointment.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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