Money hacks – tips and tricks to improve your finances

Once you are determined of the fact that you have to save a handful of dollars by the end of every week, or by the end of the month, then learning how you can lower your spendings of the week and how you can increase your saving ratio becomes highly important for you.

Saving happens to be the only factor that will make sure that the future of a person is highly secured.

The more amount of saving you would have by your side, the more satisfaction you would receive, as you would be aware of the fact that if for some reason things don’t work out with your career, or a bad phase suddenly comes on you, you would be somewhat relief as your saving would have got your back at that time.

However, saving your money, and improving your finances on your own can simply be a daunting task. How to make 100 dollars fast is an easier question than how to save those hundred dollars.

With that being said, we are providing you with some of the tips and tricks which can surely prove to be fruitful for you, and would improve your finances instantly.


1.   Use Cash

One of the best tips that’s often ignored by most people is that instead of paying their bills in cash, they use debit or credit cards to do the job for them.

In this way, you would be spending the money that’s present in your account, as well as the money you would be having in your hand, which would surely not be fruitful for you.

Hence, it’s preferred not to use your debit or credit cards for paying up bills until it’s not highly necessary, and use cash to pay off your bills. This way, the money present in your account would remain secure!


2.   Small Weekly Savings Transfers

This is the tip and trick that comes directly from a professional accountant who assists people within their finances. Once you get your paycheck from the place you work, you should take out ten or twenty percent out from your paycheck, and should deposit that money into your bank account.

You should make this act as your habit and should keep doing this activity for a prolonged time. After a year or so, you would surely witness how improved your finances would be!


3.   Stay Home 

As the world we live in is progressing towards a modern era, people have started normalizing eating at the restaurants instead of their homes, or going out to different destinations with friends, which sure is a good thing to do, only if you have a job that can cover your expenses!

If you are really concerned about your finances, and are seeking viable ways of doing it, then you may have to sacrifice on living a quality life like other people, and may have to stay at home more than usual.

But believe us, the perks you would be receiving by this sacrifice of yours would surely help you out in the long run!


4.   Don’t Get Catalogs

Everyone receives good amount of calls every day, where agents sell you out their newly introduced stuff.

God forbid, no matter how authentic that agent seems to be, or no matter how tempting the product he’s selling out happens to be, you should always keep yourself restrain from such type of catalogs, and should discard every call you receive of this kind!



While wrapping it all up, the more money you save for yourself, the more relieved and satisfied you would be in your future as you would be aware of the fact that your savings have got your back.

With that being said, don’t ever settle for less amount of money, you should know that savings never stops, and the above-mentioned tips and tricks would surely help you out in improving your finances and gather a good stack of money for yourself!

Mary Jones

Mary is a London-based copywriter. Her passions are the online world and music, and in her free time she enjoys reading her favourite books as well as playing chess and travelling.

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