Monitoring Your Zzzs With Fitbit May Just Improve Your Overall Health

What is Fitbit

Fitbit is a gadget that has gained popularity for making health monitoring accessible and easy. Though it is designed like a simple wristwatch, Fitbit packs a serious punch when it comes to informing you about your body. Although it first became popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts, it has also gained bearing among those who are just starting their fitness regimen, or those who simply want to be more informed about their body.


But what does Fitbit track, exactly? This device monitors your heart rate and activity level, but did you know that Fitbit monitors sleep as well?

As of late, business advancements have risen for naturally gathering information that can help with self-direction. For example, apparatuses, for example, Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, and comparative choices can screen movement information, for example, number of steps taken, separation voyaged, speed and pace, calories blazed, heart rate, skin temperature, sweat level, hours rested, dietary data, and so on. In spite of the specialized and business progresses in wearable movement checking gadgets, the cutting edge gadgets tend to bring about just transient appropriation and changes in inspiration and practices (Klasnja et al., 2011). Consequently, Nike has as of late scratched off the following cycle of its Nike+ FuelBand wearable action tracker, moving its center to programming interface plan (Statt, 2014).


Sleep Problems?

Most people think sleep problems simply affect one’s daytime energy and alertness, which can be easily remedied by the consumption of caffeine-laden beverages and other energy drinks. But daytime lethargy and lack of focus are problems that only scratch the surface of the health problems that bad sleep conditions cause. For example, one of the more common conditions affecting sleep — known as obstructive sleep apnea — may cause increased blood pressure and lung pressure in the long run. Therefore, catching sleep problems early and addressing them promptly is of utmost importance.


Inasmuch as sleep monitoring has been established by medicine to be important in maintaining one’s overall health, the search for inexpensive, hassle-free, and comfortable means to monitor sleep has proven to be difficult over the past several decades. Many people wouldn’t even know that they had sleep problems until complications develop. The search for Sleep Monitor Reviews on the Internet may yield information about how sleep monitoring involves being confined in a hospital for a night with gadgets attached to you while healthcare professionals monitor you and your sleep. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it is very expensive as well.

Influx of Innovations

Thanks to the influx of innovations, however, sleep was also included in what does Fitbit track for you, which makes sleep monitoring handy, convenient, and relatively cheaper. Now, more people are becoming more aware of sleep problems that have gone undetected for years and have now taken steps to treat them and prevent complications with help from their doctor.

Getting a Fitbit may not only help you by monitoring your heart rate and activity level, but also by monitoring one of the most neglected areas of overall health: sleep. So get yours now and get to know first-hand what does Fitbit track and what it can do for you and your health.



Fitbit as one of the best among Sleep Monitor Reviews. It takes you through a guided affair that shows you all that you have to know not and center your brain. In that capacity, it is a phenomenal headband-sort rest screen. It will help you nod off quicker and in the morning, show you exactly how loose your cerebrum was.



Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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