More Guidelines on Using Christening Candles

We all follow different religions according to our family beliefs and customs which suits our individual ideology and life goals. Christianity is one of the most followed religion were people seek wisdom from the preaching of Jesus Christ. Now in there comes a time when a person needs to get baptised to truly get cleaned from their past sins and start following Christianity. Those who wants to turn to Christianity has to follow a religious rite of sprinkling water on to a person’s forehead or immersing them completely in water for purification of their souls. Now, baptism for those getting born in Christian families has to follow the symbolic ritual and it is celebrated as an important event in a boy’s life. Now, buying christening candles plays a very important role in it.

Important function of a candle in the christening day

The parents or godparents hold a christening candle which goes home as a memento during the christening ceremony. Generally, the church will give a basic, tapered candle but someone close to the baby who is taking the Christian name might give a larger, more embellished candle that will last through years.

Importance of Christening Candle:

The fire of the candle can also symbolize the light of Christ, as the fire particularly comes from the Paschal candle. This candle is blessed on Easter and it represents the triumph of Christ of evil.  Many people believe that Christ’s light will help ward off any evil that might come the way of the little one.

Actually, the light of the candle symbolizes the light of Christ who is the light of the world. This is the light which darkness cannot overcome. The light warms and encourages, it provides safety and illuminates the way ahead. It has the power to burn and test substances.

The christening candle reminds us that the light of Christ has entered into the child’s life and its flame stands for the flame of faith which will burn throughout the life of the child. The christened child who has opened his or her eyes to the light of creation is now awakened by the flame of faith. He or she is called to see all the things through the eyes of Jesus Christ.

Other Functions of Candles

You can keep those candles with you as a reminder of the big day of your baby. Some people light this candle for a few minutes on the anniversary of the christening day; you also can use it as a sort of spiritual birthday candle to mark the passage of time. Or some others in the Catholic faith might light the candle again to symbolize as a significant moment in the time of their marriage.

Different Uses of Christening Candles:

  • Personalising Candles: You can personalize your candle by your own. You can make candle like a pillar and add laces or colorful clothes or ribbons or strings or beads or you can attach tissue papers or decorative papers. You may take someone’s advice or help to doing this or order them online or there are some stores who make these things.
  • Special Message: You can customize the candles by writing some special messages or verses or photographs along with the name of the baby. You can write some heart-touching lines on it.
  • Decorate Pool: You can decorate your pool with some floating candles if you are partying in the pool side. There are bountiful choices of colors, shapes and sizes for these kinds of candles. Color is very important, it have to blend with the theme of the party. One more thing, choose some larger floating candles about two inches or more in diameter to make it balance while floating in the water.
  • Using Pillat Candles: You may choose some pillar candles which are a classy off white in color and will look lovely anywhere in the room.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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