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More Than Football: The Other Side To Dan Snyder

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When people think of football, they usually think of hard hits on the field and winning at all costs. While such attitudes are necessary to win at the professional level, a good football franchise knows the game is more than that. For one example, just look at the work owner Dan Snyder has done with the Washington Football franchise.

On the surface, Daniel Snyder’s primary success seems to be on the field. He has been the owner for 20 years, and he has fostered significant talent. There have been 27 Washington players who have gone on to play in an impressive 53 Pro Bowls. On top of that, nine of his players have earned the All-Pro distinction. Of his many draft picks, 13 have been placed on the All-Rookie team. Five of his players have made it into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. This includes beloved names like Deion Sanders and Jason Taylor.

Dan Snyder is also a shrewd businessman. Football is not just about winning— it’s a business, too. In this, Snyder is unparalleled in the league. He has remained committed to the Washington area, and he has made smart investments in the training facilities and field. The Bon Secours Training Center is a wonderful home for the team, and FedEx Field in Landover, Maryland, is fully updated to appeal to modern visitors after Snyder oversaw $100 million in upgrades. This included signage, television screens, escalators and luxury suites. With all this taken into account, Washington is considered one of the most valuable sports franchises in the world.

As impressive as this may be, Dan Snyder’s impact on the game and the world goes much further. His most impactful and lasting work has come through the Washington Charitable Foundation. Snyder founded the organization in 2000, and its creation was one of his first acts as owner. Through the foundation, Snyder hoped to use his corporate position to work with community leaders to advance important change. This would allow for money to be invested in the areas of need throughout the Washington community. Since 2000, Snyder has overseen the distribution of $29 million in funds.

Although Snyder’s efforts have been cast far and wide, he has long displayed a particular soft spot for the area’s youth. In 2019, the Charitable Foundation worked with local schools by putting on workshops and other special events. For example, Snyder helped organize a literacy program for 38,000 elementary students. Another 12,000 students benefited from a health and wellness program. The Foundation has also worked with schools and other organizations to expand the Loads of Love program. This unique program installs laundry facilities into these community spaces. These facilities are available at no cost for families in need. This way, even families with insecure home situations can still have access to the clean clothes they need. There have been more than 80 such facilities installed in the community so far. The impact of this investment is immeasurable.

For this consistent work with the community’s youth, Dan Snyder has been recognized multiple times by a range of organizations. The Beacon House honored Snyder’s efforts in 2010. He has also been awarded the Youth For Tomorrow’s Distinguished Leader Award. Beyond his local community, he is a supporter of the Children’s National Hospital. He serves on the board there, and he is the primary force behind the Snyder Family Emergency Medicine and Trauma Center. His further contributions are visible at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. In this capacity, he has funded the Dan M. Snyder and Family Communication Center to help organize nationwide search efforts.

It may seem like these philanthropic efforts are more than enough. However, Dan Snyder takes his attitude about winning off the field as well. He keeps driving to the endzone no matter what. With that mindset, Snyder has organized multiple relief efforts in the wake of natural disasters. After Hurricane Matthew devastated the Caribbean in 2016, Snyder worked to deliver medical supplies to Haiti. He also made substantial donations after the Indonesian tsunami in 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

His efforts have not stopped there. Dan Snyder has mobilized his position to respond to the most pressing issues facing American society. On the social justice front, Snyder funneled $250,000 to organizations in the community to raise awareness. He also was one of the first to respond to the pandemic. In the early days of the pandemic, Snyder made the prescient choice to open FedEx Field as a testing site. To do this, he had to work closely with the Maryland National Guard. On top of that, Snyder made a donation of $100,000 to local food banks to help people in need during this difficult time.

At the end of the day, Dan Snyder is the owner of a successful football franchise. However, as his charitable endeavors prove, he has accomplished so much more off the field.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of KlmnWeb.