Moving is tough for kids: How to help them cope?

Most kids have a hard time coping with relocation. Also, no two kids will handle this situation the same way. Even siblings raised in the same household can react to the move in very different ways. Their age and personality are important factors that can make the difference between a smooth, happy transition and a very painful one. If your little ones are sad or anxious, here are a few things you can try to help kids cope with moving.

Talk about the move

First of all, start the conversation on time. Break the news as soon as you make the final decision, even if it’s a year earlier. You may think that waiting until the last moment can spare you a lot of tears and angry outbursts during the pre-move period. However, it will be harder for the kids to cope with moving if they are caught by surprise. The less time they have to adjust to the idea, the more difficult it will be. Therefore, discuss the details of the move. Explain when, where and why you are moving. You may think your kids won’t be interested or that they won’t understand, but that’s not always the case. They understand more than we think.

Optimistic parents help kids cope with moving

Moving is tough for adults, too. Just like our kids, we have our fears and concerns. However, the difference between us and our children is that we have a better control over our emotions. No matter how complicated things are at the moment, you must not lose sight of your main objective. You know that the upcoming relocation is a change for the better, otherwise, you would not be moving in the first place. So, try to identify and reduce stressors in your life and be optimistic around your kids. Your kids will feel your enthusiasm.

Moving is tough for kids How to help them cope

Acknowledge their sadness

To help kids cope with moving, it is important to acknowledge their sadness or any other feeling they might have. Encourage them to express their emotions. The moving blues hits hardest around two weeks before and after the relocation. Understanding their feelings is one of the best ways to connect with your children. Share how you feel, too. You can confess that you have your own concerns as well, but don’t scare them. Focus on the positive.

Make the move an adventure

Do your kids like traveling? If they do, the new surroundings can be very fun to explore. Get your kids excited about all the places they can visit once they relocate. Find some family-friendly locations worth visiting in your new town. There must be a park, a museum or a toy store your kids will like. If you have a chance, take your kids to the new town before the move so they get an idea of what awaits them. Let them take a peek at their new home and school. If you are moving to a small town like Sanford, North Carolina, and you are not sure there are enough attractions for kids, explore the nearest larger cities you can visit. This may seem like an unnecessary expense, but there are other ways you can save money on your move to Sanford, NC.

Read children’s books about moving

There are many books designed to help kids cope with moving, especially the younger ones. Find some age appropriate books that other parents recommend. You can read them to your kids before bedtime or let them read by themselves. Your kids can relate to the main characters of these books because they are going through a similar situation. You can role play or write your own story together. This is a great way to prepare for the change that’s about to happen.

Moving is tough for kids How to help them cope

Let them help with the relocation

Moving house is exhausting and everyone could use a little help. Although your kids can’t do much, they can actually make your job a little easier. For example, they can pack or unpack some of their personal belongings. They can also be involved in setting up or decorating their new room. These small chores will keep them busy and cheer them up. Let them help as much as they can and leave the heavy lifting to Moving Kings NC.

Staying in touch will help kids cope with moving

Your kids need to understand that they are not moving to another planet. Help them keep in touch with old friends and visit their old neighborhood as often as possible. Occasionally spending time with your family on a weekend even if you’re too busy in your old town will give them something to look forward to whenever they feel sad. Invite their friends to visit your family in your new home – your kids can be their tour guides. Your kids will probably move on eventually, but it would mean a lot to hear from their old friends at least in the first year or two. Therefore, keep the other parents’ contact info. Thanks to all the possibilities modern technology has given us, staying in touch is easy, no matter where you are.

Moving is tough for kids How to help them cope

Keep things familiar

The period right before and after the move is not the best time for other big changes. So much is changing already. If there is a certain time the kids go to bed or have meals every day, do not change their routine. Moreover,  bring as much of their stuff as you can to the new home. Unpack their room first and fill it with their toys, artwork, furniture and other familiar objects. Check out this one leaders.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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