Natural Remedies for Children’s Common Symptoms

Almost everyone has experienced being sick whether it is the flu, a cold, strep throat, or more serious illnesses. In fact, children tend to get sicker more than adults generally due to the fact that their immune systems are still developing and haven’t yet been exposed to the large variety of viruses out there (vital, 2016). A lot of children may end up getting sick from a lack of proper hygienic habits. Being in school and interacting with other children, school materials, and other unsanitary objects increase the chances of the child’s exposure to bad bacteria and germs. With all the sicknesses and symptoms, we do know that there are many healthy remedies to prevent and treat these common illnesses instead of using harsh chemicals that may not agree with the child.


Turmeric Tea Remedy for Common Cold

A majority of kids will experience at least 6 to 8 colds annually(Stanford Children’s Health, 2018). The common cold is also known as a URI or upper respiratory infection. Some common symptoms of the infection are an increased production of mucus, hacking cough, tingling soreness of the throat, sneezing, watery eyes, congestion, sore muscles, etc. UTI can be spread through the air or from direct contact.


  1. 1 cup hot water
  2. 1 tbsp fresh ginger (grated)
  3. 1 tbsp turmeric
  4. 2 tbsps lemon juice


Turmeric tea is excellent for getting rid of the symptoms and treating the common cold. Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory which helps alleviate the swelling of the sinuses, making it easier to breathe. Honey can act as an antibacterial and also coats the throat, providing a soothing effect. The antibiotic properties in honey also heal skin conditions and can be incorporated as a lichen sclerosus natural skin treatment. Ginger is also another great anti-inflammatory. Adding a citrus like lemon will ensure that your child is getting a good dose of vitamin C to boost the immune system.


Buying medicine for a child, especially on a consistent basis can become expensive depending on the kind of medication. Luckily, the remedies above are very effective, very natural, and very inexpensive. Of course, be sure your child isn’t allergic to any of the ingredients in some of these remedies prior to giving it to them.


Natural Topical Treatment for Ringworms

Ringworms are a common fungal infection that shows up on the skin as scaly round patches. This infection is contagious and spreads from direct contact and if left untreated, can result in skin blisters and cracks that can be very painful. An anti-fungal ointment is usually used to treat ringworms as this infection occurs on the top layer of the skin. However, there are natural remedies like applying a turmeric paste, coconut oil, aloe vera, or grapefruit seed extract that you may use as an alternative. Make sure to use clean sheets and upkeep a sanitary environment if your child has ringworm. Below is a list of ingredients to make a garlic paste that you can apply to the affected area as a topical treatment.


  • cloves of 1 garlic (crushed)
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp coconut oil


Homeopathic Ear Drops for Ear Infections

Approximately 5 out of 6 children will experience having at least one ear infection before their third birthday (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 2017). Another term for ear infection is otitis media. There are three main types of ear infections, being otitis media with effusion, acute otitis media, and chronic otitis media with effusion which each vary slightly. Common symptoms of an ear infection in children include fluid drainage from the ear, fever, difficulties with balance, fussiness, and trouble hearing. These infections are usually caused by URIs like the cold, sore throat, and congestion. The infection causes fluid to build up behind the eardrum. There are many natural remedies to remedy an ear infection.


One way is to use a warm compress over the ear for 10-15 minutes to alleviate any pain. Ear Drops are another well-known and natural method to treat symptoms of ear infection. You can put three to four drops of hydrogen peroxide in your child’s ear and let it sit for 5 minutes, then let the fluid drain out of the ear. Rinse the ear with distilled water afterward. There are also essential oils like tea tree oil, olive oil, basil oil, and garlic oil that you may use as ear drops to treat ear infections naturally.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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