New Mom Tips: Organizing Your Home for New Baby

Having a baby can be an overwhelming time, so it’s vital to have an organized home to avoid any stress. Once the baby is born, you will realize that there is hardly enough time in a day. The way you prepare your home can be the difference between a stressed mom and a well-rested mom. Organizing your home for new baby is essential, so here are my tips for you:

Nursery room

The Baby’s Room


If you can choose the location of your newborn’s room, make sure it pretty close to your bedroom. During the first few months, you’re going to be waking up in the middle of the night to feed or to change diapers. If your husband wants a restful night, he can always use earplugs. (But I’m sure, he’ll be understanding)


If you’re a DIY junkie, then this is probably going to be something you’re going to enjoy so much. I know you want it to look oh-so-cute, but you’ve got to be careful not to go overboard. Safety and convenience should be the top priority. Here are some guidelines for that:

  • Limit the number of stuffed animals and pillows. They’re cute, but it can accumulate dust.
  • Keep things accessible for you. For instance, your diapers, wipes, and other changing items should be near the changing table. It should be within reach to maximize your time. This also prevents you from leaving your baby unattended to look for the items.

Fortunately, manufacturers have designed changing tables that have storage and access to these things.

As your child grows bigger and older, you might need to adjust some arrangements to keep unwanted items away from their reach.

The Kitchen

A place for baby utensils

Separate baby utensils from your regular kitchen items, otherwise you’re bound to lose some. Designate a drawer or a cabinet for your child’s stuff. When your child is older, he or she can even help himself or herself when it’s mealtime. Some baby items might require special care, so this works out for that purpose too.

A shelf for formula and baby food

You’re going to have a lot of formula and baby food so to keep the order, designate a shelf for them. Aside from the aesthetic advantage, you’re also preventing them from breaking. Only keep items you’ll use for the day on the counter or table.

Have a rack for bottles

Don’t let the baby bottles take over the dish rack. Have a spot just for them to air dry. It’ll also be easier for you to access when you’re about to feed.

Keep small objects out of reach

These are choking hazards. This is important to bear in mind especially when your baby starts grabbing things and putting them in his or her mouth.

The Rest of the House

Organize items that go together.

When you know where something is supposed to be, you’re saving yourself the time and energy from looking for “lost” things. This will even come in handy as your baby grows.

When they’re toddlers, you can foster their independence by the way you organize your items. All the coloring materials are in one place, the toys, their clothes, etc. The order can also significantly help keep a home safe.

Keep the Paraphernalia from taking over your space

The trick is to find a home for these items. The highchair, stroller, bouncy seats etc. are all space consuming items. Aside from being messy, it’s also a safety hazard for you. Don’t let your baby’s first crawl be when you put away these things.

Baby Proof

Baby proofing your home is necessary to keep your baby safe especially when they become more mobile.

  • Lock drawers and secure large furniture to the wall
    There will be a time when your kids can open drawers and climb cabinets. To prevent any harm, secure drawers that lock or have a latch. Large cabinets and shelves also should be secured to prevent from tipping or falling on your kid.
  • Keep unwanted or dangerous items out of reach.
    I know cleaning agents are usually under the sink. However, at a certain age, children will be able to open cabinets and drawers. That’s another reason why locks or latches are important.
  • Block areas with a gate
    You will need some barriers to prevent your crawling kids from going in restricted areas. You can also use the barriers if you’re busy and want contain them. These are essential at the top and bottom of the staircase.
  • Cover outlets
    All throughout the house are outlets that need to be covered. Children are naturally curious so they might be sticking their fingers or something in those outlets. Opt for sliding covers instead of plastic outlet covers because they’re a choking hazard.
  • Bumpers
    Coffee tables, work desk, and a lot of other furniture that have sharp edges. Cushion these edges with bumpers to prevent injury.
  • Remove or Move Breakables
    Maybe it’s a vase or a picture frame with glass. Whatever it is, you need to place it somewhere where your kid can’t get to them. You’ll be amazed at how high children can climb. If not climb, these things could also fall and break. Or worst! It could hit your baby. So better be safe and move them out.  This applies to unbreakable too. Anything that can fall on your child is a risk.
  • Storage for Toys
    Choose open boxes or containers that won’t slam on your kid’s fingers.

Note: You can leave some items accessible. Books, for instance, should be easy to reach. They shouldn’t have to risk getting hurt by climbing a bookshelf!

For Going Out

Travel items like a portable crib or a stroller can be kept in the trunk of the car. If your vehicle can’t accommodate them, have a place in the garage for them. You can even have a checklist by the door before exiting so you can remember to bring all that you need for your baby. Otherwise, prepare yourself for unnecessary expense on diapers, food, or whatever you forgot.

The way you organize your home will either make or break you. While you have time, do as much as you can to prepare, before it’s too late. Only you can find a way that will work best for you.

A Short Bio: Sarah Morgan. A sister, a daughter, a wife, but most especially a mother. Being a mother makes me realize that life is a great adventure. No day is always the same, which makes every day so much more exciting.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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