Newly Unemployed? 4 Careers You Might Be Able to Find Work In

Many people have been struggling to find work due to recent world events. It may be that you used to have a good job, but recently were laid off due to financial constraints. If you’ve found yourself suddenly unemployed, you may have luck in finding a new job quickly in a desirable field. Some industries are known to hire continuously, and some career fields are even known to be recession-proof and have low layoff rates. It is important to be creative and willing to try new careers during your job search. You may be able to find work in any of these four career fields so that you won’t have to remain unemployed for long. If you are newly unemployed, perhaps these careers can provide a good job option for you.

Government Job

While you may not have thought of working for the government before, this can be a great option for those looking for steady labor. There are many types of jobs that are available in the local and federal government, and qualified workers are needed in this field to help maintain infrastructure and provide other vital services for people. Positions are often available in the public health, transportation and taxation sectors. In addition to being secure, many government positions are known to provide excellent medical insurance coverage and other benefits to employees.

Security Guard

Businesses and residential communities often rely on security guards to keep their premises safe. As a security guard, you can choose to work day or night shifts if you want a job that offers you a flexible schedule. You’ll be responsible for checking the IDs or badges of people who want to enter the premises and removing any individuals who may be dangerous or otherwise problematic. While working, you may be assigned to a specific guard post or ordered to patrol the grounds regularly to look for any suspicious activities.

Truck Driver

If you enjoy the open road and being away from an office, working as a truck driver may be the perfect profession. There are CDL truck driver positions available that involve transporting large loads of merchandise, construction equipment or other important materials to locations in the area or on the other side of the country. Many truck driver jobs come with union representation, which helps to protect employees’ rights while ensuring that each driver gets the health insurance and other benefits that they deserve.

Pet Sitter

Working as a pet sitter could be ideal for you if you enjoy being around animals. People will count on you while they’re away to check in on their pets and provide any necessary care. Responsibilities of the job include feeding and walking pets as well as cleaning up after their messes. Some pet sitters also offer pet grooming services. You can choose to work for a pet sitter company or start your own business if you have an entrepreneurial spirit.

Unemployment doesn’t have to be a long-lasting situation, and you can get back to work quickly by finding the right job. Any of these jobs may give you the chance to do something that you enjoy while earning an excellent salary.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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