Next-Gen CHROs to Become Strategic Business Partners!

The digital transformation in the organization has led to several transformations and one of them is a need for HR professionals who are tech and data-savvy. As the companies move toward digital transformation, the need for an HR professional especially in leadership roles has also undergone a severe change.

Organizations all over the world seek a CHRO who will be able to play an important role in the operating committee, and advice the organizations on how they can increase or speed-up performances of their employees, in addition to how they can hire and retain data scientists, along with engineers in their companies. Businesses also need HR leaders who can help them transform their organization into a purpose-led and agile culture, which will address the needs and wants of this modern talent pool. and Here are the ways the current or the modern HR leaders also known as a chief human officer will shape-up the modern workplace with their relevant skills, and knowledge.

1. The CHROs will serve more as a trusted strategic business partner to the top management also known as the CEO of the company. The current brand of CEOs knows and understands the importance of leadership in HR and thus expects the CHRO to be an equal business partner. A CEO knows that it is a CHRO along with the CEO who looks forward to the future and also at the entire organization while ensuring that all the departments work together in tandem. For the CHROs to succeed they will also need to gain experience outside the usual HR functions. In other words, future CHROs will first be business leaders and technical experts second.

2. The modern CHROs one of the major responsibilities will be to prioritize agility in an organization. So the approach – one-size-fits-all-employees will not work anymore as HR leadership will be expected to be working with different business models so as to keep each and every employee motivated. In fact, it is believed that a CHRO who is tech-savvy and has digital transformation backing him will be more comfortable in throwing out the raw ideas forward and then let the organization or the executive team of that organization critique them before it is adapted as part of the work that is the spirit of agile work practices. For this, the organizations need a CHRO who is not only quick thinkers but also someone who can design innovative programs within a short time span. Result: The leadership in HR is moving away from traditional roles and promotions as compared to non-digital HR leaders.

3. The new leadership in HR aka CHROs is also expected to treat their employees as digital-savvy consumers. The current lot of employees who are digital-savvy are not too happy with face to face interaction and want to use gadgets all the time. In broader terms, the focus of leadership in HR will be more on how to bring simplicity into their working style. In other words, how can technology free up the manual work, efforts duplication along with how to avoid repetitive work will form the new focus of an old department.

4. Rooting for diversity and inclusion in an organization. D&I has become a buzzword in the community, however, it will be important to understand that without diversity there can be no inclusion, and without inclusion, diversity serves no real purpose. Picture this – In the US about 37% of the private-sector employees are non-whites, however, only a handful of them about 13% of them are minorities. It is believed that the upcoming chief human resource officer will have a responsibility of focusing more on inclusion and belonging along with the traditional CHRO functions.

The next-gen CHRO has to be tech-savvy, data-savvy, and has to be proficient with agile practices so as to be able to bring the necessary changes required in an organization.

Niti Sharma

Niti Sharma is a professional writer, a blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She is also an acclaimed blogger outreach expert and content marketer.

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