No More Excuses: 5 Ways For A Busy Mom To Get And Stay Fit

If you’re a mom and probably have young kids playing around your home, it can be tough to make your healthy diet a priority. Instead, you always have to pick up those cluttered toys, wash the dishes, and console your children. Also, it can be challenging to make time in your hectic schedule to insert in a workout or to prepare healthy meals for you and your family.

While making healthy decisions can be a steep path to take when life gets so much busy, it’s essential to make sure you’re taking care of yourself also. Here are some ways to stay fit as an active and working mom.

A Vision and Motivation 

The first thing you want to do is to create motivation. Ask yourself why exercise is important to you.  Is it because you want to stay fit? Or you want to stay healthy to keep up with your kids? Write these questions down and imagine what kind of motivation you can focus on to push yourself when you don’t feel working out.

Busy Mom To Get And Stay Fit

After that, ask yourself how does working out make you feel. Sure, you will love that feeling after, and although you are tired, you’ll also feel more energized. So if you need a touch of motivation, think of how healthy you feel afterward.

Move Your Body All Day 

Think about push ups after you shower and some crunches each time you respond to emails. In other words, consider incorporating quick exercises to other activities you’ve already done to help you get moving.

Eventually, these small things will become your habit, making your body run despite busy schedules.

Combat Everyday Stress 

If you’re feeling stressed with the daily grind and probably not dealing with it constructively, there are many options you can do to relieve your stressed out feeling.

You can go for a walk during early morning of afternoons, attend yoga classes on weekends, perform meditation on nighttime, or even a bubble bath can relax you and eliminate the stress away. Decide what works best for you when you’re stressed, and take the time to pamper yourself.

Always Hydrate Yourself 

Sometimes, we tend to forget to drink enough amount of water our body needs to stay hydrated during the day, especially if you’re chasing after young children and are bothering about their needs.

Thus, if you struggle with drinking enough amount of water, you can try keeping a bottle of water near you all the time to serve as a reminder to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Be Conscious on Meals 

Trying to save time and energy by eating ready-made meals and on fast food chains are one of the biggest blunders busy moms usually make.

Though you can save time and energy by going to burger cafes instead of cooking a healthy meal, you’re only risking your long-term wellness. You should always remember that your health and well-being have a significant impact on your children now or later.

Though it’s going to consume much time and energy, it’s better to spend at least half an hour preparing nutritious, healthy foods for the day ahead. If you have spare time on weekends, you can also consume a few hours a day making healthy meals for the whole week. Just freeze the items you won’t eat in the next few of days.


If you’re a mom who is always on the go, you might feel like you don’t have time for yourself anymore. But, you should find as much time, no matter how short it is to insert your workout schedule in your busy life.

More so, be more conscious about your health since your body is your biggest asset in taking care of your kids. Besides, you can read a diary of a fit mom or some tips from other moms online to help you achieve your goal.


Sandeep is an expert blogger and travel advisor. He writes majorly on trips and journeys made on trains and buses from one place to another.

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