Not all clean offices are germ-free and it’s freaking out the hygiene freaks


Most of us are under the impression that we take good care of our health. We do this by ensuring cleanliness and hygiene in and around our homes; and Voila! We are now free of disease spreading microorganisms.

Sadly, it’s not as simple as that. Recent statistics have shown that most of our workplaces are actually some of the dirtiest places we spend a majority of our day in. Since the moment you pull open the door handle till the moment you go and sit in your chair, you’ve already been exposed to these germs.

How Germs Spread?

Most germs spread by way of physical touch to objects, while others may spread through the air; over which we have little to no control in a workplace. We are, however, able to control or at least limit the extent of these germs.

Some common surfaces that have a significantly higher concentration of germs include:

  • The Door Handle: An object that each worker, employee, investor, client, uses on their way in.

  • The Lift Buttons: Small and concise, they have an extremely high concentration of germs in a relatively small surface area.

  • Mouse and Keyboard: Recent studies have shown that most keyboards have viruses and disease-causing germs in a higher concentration than even a toilet seat. Dead skin, leftover food particles, dirt, and filth accumulates between the keycaps becoming a breeding ground for germs.

A few other germ hubs are:

Desk Phones, Sink faucets, Microwave and refrigerator door handles Water fountain buttons, Vending machine buttons, etc.

The Impact:

These germs actually cause both an individual and a company a loss of revenue.

A sick employee has reduced effectiveness in the workplace, is unable to concentrate, takes frequent breaks and is not able to think clearly. Their productivity declines, and this impacts the revenue generated in terms of sales or customer service provided. Since the company has made a lesser revenue than what it is apparently capable of, this translates into a lower bonus for the employee; or even no bonus at all.

Sick employees act as the harbinger of germs, spreading them throughout the workplace by way of sneezes and laying down a path of diseases and infections in their wake with everything they touch.

The Remedy:

Each individual in the office can work in a small way in making it a better and more healthful workplace.

This is possible through the following measures:

  • Installation of hand sanitizers within the work environment and not just restricted to washrooms.

  • Having air purifiers in the working space for a cleaner and more refreshing air that is free of impurities.

  • Undergoing regular office cleaning by the employees by having a group of individuals appointed as Health and Hygiene Officer

  • Regular mopping of floors, vacuuming of carpets to reduce germ build-up.

  • Taking advantage of various Commercial Cleaning facilities offered by professional firms that do a thorough clean up of the entire work environment and even provide custom-made plans suitable to the company’s needs.

Conclusion: Germs and viruses, in more ways than one impact the work environment and the day to day functioning of the office. It is truly said that “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness”. If adequate attention is given to the employee’s health and overall hygiene of the office, employees will enjoy working, be more active and healthy, thus being able to contribute and grow to their full potential. This makes a clean and healthy work environment all the more appealing and worth undergoing the effort for.


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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