Off Page SEO – What Is It and Why Is It So Important?

Off page or inbound optimization refers to anything that helps your website to achieve a higher ranking within the major search engines. The main goal of off-page optimization is to get as many links as possible pointing towards your website, so that search engines will consider your site as part of the top 10% of sites with relevant content. On page SEO is an entirely different concept from off-page SEO and this article intends to explain the differences between these two strategies. So, let’s take a closer look at these strategies.

Benefits of SEO

SEOs are extremely beneficial for your business on the internet because they increase your rankings in the popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The more links you have pointing towards your website, the higher your rankings will be and the more likely people will click on your links. Of course, having relevant high-quality fresh content is essential but without any links pointing towards your website, your site is not going to benefit from any of the benefits mentioned above. Therefore, if you want to benefit from off-page optimization you have to first work on building up a healthy email list, then you need to add to this your website’s blog, then finally create interesting and engaging content on your website. These are the high-quality links that will make you successful on the world wide web.

Profile Links

Some off-site techniques can include things such as creating a profile on social-networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This is called “Page Rank” and this will basically give Google some indication of what kind of content your site contains and whether or not it’s relevant to the particular search engines. The more relevant your profile is to the particular search engine, then the more likely it will be that your website will rank high in their rankings. This is actually a relatively simple process and is one of the more popular methods of off-site SEO.

Link Building

Another technique that is popularly used by companies in order to gain a higher ranking is link building. This is done through things like article marketing, blogging and submitting to directories such as Dmoz. However, the most important factor is that your content has to be of a high quality so that it becomes highly valuable to the search engines. If you write poor quality and badly timed articles you will never see results from your link building campaign.

Boost Ranking with Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO is broken down into several sub-prongs, which include: On Page Optimization. This is where you optimize the actual web page itself. This includes things such as HTML code, meta tags and keywords. Off-Page SEO is the most effective way to boost your search engine rankings and is generally what people tend to overlook initially. It is the most important aspect of all your SEO work and therefore is something that you should spend plenty of time on.


Off-Page SEO consists of many different elements, but the two main areas that you must focus on include creating inbound links from other sites and writing articles. Article marketing is perhaps the best off-page technique for boosting your site in a number of ways. The content that you create and submit to the article directories will be seen by the thousands and are a very powerful off-page technique. However, if you want to really gain high search engine rankings you should also take a look at your on-page optimization strategies.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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