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Online Romance Scams – Important Things to Know

Chances are that every adult who browses the internet knows a few dating websites and has checked what they offer. Although not everyone wants to get a lover through these platforms, there are many people who rely on them. They allow people to create a profile with information that is important to dating and also lets them view other people’s profiles. As soon as there is a match, the two can start communicating with each other and eventually meet for a date.

But believe it or not, there are many scammers who are looking for innocent soulmate searchers with a plan of defrauding them or wasting their time. Thus, one has to pay close attention to keep off of their radar. If you are planning to try online dating, checking these tips before you start the journey.

From defrauding people for money to cases of cyber-bullying, the internet is not a very safe place for people looking for love. Most people turn to the internet with the hope of finding someone that they would enjoy and have fun. However, in 2019, many people are being conned on a daily basis on the internet. It is imperative that you take certain steps to save yourself from such bad experiences. By following the below-mentioned tips, you can create a safe environment and enjoy online dating.

Detecting Lies from Scammers:

Online dating scammers are very good liars and many people, especially first-timers, fall into them. However, if you have an idea of their tricks, you may escape their tactics.

  • They say that they are doctors – It is easy to believe that someone is a doctor who is on an international mission. They might even coincidentally be in your state, and after talking to each other, you could travel the world together.
  • They say that they are businesspeople – Again, entrepreneurs have money, class, and are likely to shower their lovers with luxurious vacations, gifts, and many other things.
  • That they are looking for a serious and permanent soulmate – Scammers are good at using this slogan according to relationship advisors from the Happymatches website. Thus, it is hard to know the truth about them at first. That is why many innocent people fall for them.

It should be pointed out that online scams do not only affect adults. Teenagers and young adults often get manipulated by criminal elements online. This can be done with the intention of either financial, sexual, or mental gains. If you wish to know about one such case that has been captured in the United States, click here.

What Scammers Are After:

Of course, romance scammers are not desperate for love. They usually have malicious intentions of extorting money from their targets. So, they will come up with all sorts of tricks after winning your heart with the lies that we have mentioned above. They will usually ask their targets to do a couple of things after concocting stories that their bank account has a problem and that is why they need help now.

  • Pay for visa application – This is where red flags start to arise. They will pretend to be processing a visa and thus they will ask the target to make a payment for them. The best thing to do is to decline.
  • Pay for a plane ticket – After telling you that their account has a problem, they will sound sorry and ask the target to pay for a plane ticket so that the two of you can meet. They will always offer to return this and even give you more money.
  • Sending gifts – Romance scammers can ask you to send gifts to them. Targets fall into this trap more frequently, but it is not good to send a thing again and again.


Falling into the trap of a romance scammer is easy for anyone. That is why it is crucial to research more and also be alert when looking for a lover online. However, one should not shy away from dating online as it is one of the simplest ways to find a soulmate today. There are thousands of people, who have found what they were looking for, on the internet. This has also culminated in many happy marriages throughout the world.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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