Optimize Your Sales With These 5 Communication Skills

Communication skills determine whether or not you make a sale. Before you can convince the buyer to purchase something from you, you have to understand their needs and figure out how your product helps them meet those requirements. But how can you achieve this goal if you are only meeting the buyer for the first time. How can you get them to tell you about their needs without feeling uncomfortable?

Important Communication Skills in Sales

1. Don’t Let Your Mind Wander

Anytime that you are doing sales, it is tempting for you to lose focus of the client in front of you and think about your next pitch because you want to meet your sales target for the day. However, this behavior can be the end of you. For example, because your mind wandered off, you didn’t really hear what your client was telling you. Perhaps they are interested in your product, but they cannot purchase it until you explain the item further. But since you did not pay attention, you give them your card and run off to another client. Thus, you lose a potential client in the process. Always give the client your full attention if you want to make a sale.

2. Active Listening

Another mistake that you can make is interrupt your client as they are speaking. You do this because you are always thinking about what to say next when they are talking. Although it is perfectly normal for you to want to give the best presentation, you need to relax and listen to the client. Avoid memorizing your sales pitch since this can affect your listening. Approach the client with an open mind, knowing that whatever they say is just as important as what you want to say. Practice active listening and that way you will understand the customer better.

3. Body Language

A large percentage of how you communicate is defined by your body language. Don’t tell the client that the product is good, when your face says otherwise. Avoid closed postures such as crossing your arms when explaining something to the client or not looking them straight in the eye as they are speaking. All these signs point to a lack of interest in the subject and more often than not, customers are aware of these cues. In fact, a customer will avoid purchasing anything from a seller with a negative body language. Therefore, always watch your body language and make sure that it’s positive when approaching a potential client.

4. Voice Tone

Whenever you are selling a product to a prospect, you have to mirror their voice intonation. If they speak quietly and softly, do the same. If they are loud and confident, do the same, but don’t overdo it. The reason for this strategy is that clients feel more comfortable when you speak to them in a way that they are used to. They will feel as if they know you, and they can confide in you.

5. Don’t Leave Out Any Details

When explaining about the advantages of an item to a client, tell them everything. For example, if you are selling customer relationship management (CRM) software that also allows for salesforce integration accounting, let the client know this important fact. Many times, a sales person will assume that certain features are relevant while others are not before pitching the product. Don’t make such a mistake, tell the client everything and let them decide which feature is necessary and which one is not


Good communication skills will ultimately lead to more sales because it makes the client feel appreciated and important. Therefore, always remember to put the needs of the client first and mind your body language when pitching. Don’t rush to speak and always be honest.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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